Thursday, November 25


Written by: Brian Neudorff

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you active users of this blog. I am thankful for all of your participation. I know it has been a tough November (correction the last two Novembers) when we average eight inches of snow a November we have only had a trace the last two years.

Today no snow in the forecast for Rochester on this Turkey day. It will be mostly rain and that won't really get going until late afternoon and evening. There is a Winter Weather Advisory for Wyoming County and the counties to the south along the New York/Pennsylvania border. This is for isolated areas in valleys that are protected and where temperatures may remain at or below freezing for a time this morning. I think most major roads will be OK if you have to travel this morning.

As for the cold and snow not much has changed from Scott's forecast. With winds West-Southwest Friday evening and Saturday morning most of the snow will be through the higher elevations in Genesee and Wyoming Counties. A few bands could work into southern Monroe overnight maybe putting down a coating or an inch.


  1. So we will be spectators, once again, to snow.

  2. Heppy Turkey Day, Brian. Hope you have a blessed one!

    And to those who are growing ever frustrated by the lack of snow. I know it's rather far out, but the GFS has been rather consistent with showing something potentially "interesting" by the middle of next week. Perhaps a little nor'easter action? I know, I know, you will all say it will miss us to the east. And it may, but it's too early to count out winter yet.

  3. Come on. You know it will miss us to the East. That is a given.

  4. The dusting has arrived, the dusting has arrived. Whoooo, Hoooooo!!!!!!!!! The models completely took next weeks noreaster out of the picture. Good news all around if you hate snow in Rochester.
