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Tuesday, January 4


Written by: Brian Neudorff

The first story come out of Abu Dhabi. Apparently scientists there created 52 artificial rain storms in the desert this past summer. This now not so secret project to control the weather in the Middle East cost 11 million dollars. It involved putting ionizers that looked like lampshades out in the desert. These ionizer created negatively charged ions that rose with the hot air, attracted dust. Then any moisture in the air would then stick to the dust (these kind of aerosol particles are needed to create clouds). The moisture condensing onto the dust particles would form clouds, lots of clouds that would later rain out.

Obviously bringing rain to a desert where rain is hard to come by makes sense if you want to make crops and not rely on outside sources for food. Of course many people could think of a lot of ways to use weather modification. I have said this numerous times on this blog, I am not a fan of weather modification. There are just things we should leave alone and this would be one of them. When you start trying to control what I consider the uncontrollable bad things can happen even though I understand a lot of the why's behind doing it.

Of course the other story may or may not have anything to do with weather, although it has been used as a possible theory. From Arkansas to Louisiana thousands of red-winged blackbirds have fallen from the sky just days apart. This on top of 100,000 fish over a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River near a dam in Ozark , 125 miles west of where the birds fell dead. The fish were discovered on Dec. 30.

It appears that the cause of death in Arkansas for the birds is currently being ruled due to stress:

"Loud noises were reported shortly before the birds began to fall from the sky," the commission's statement said, adding that blackbirds seldom fly at night. "The blackbirds were flying at rooftop level instead of treetop level" to avoid explosions above, according to Karen Rowe, an ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "Blackbirds have poor eyesight, and they started colliding with things."
The reason that I mention this as a weather story is that there was severe weather in the area on New Year's Eve. So the loud sound could have been from thunder. Many have discounted thunder because the storms had moved out of the area but thunder and lightning can continue and be heard even after a storm passes. That's why they tell people to wait 30 minutes after the last lightning strike before going outside.

The same occurrence took place on Monday in Louisiana. Again it was red-winged black birds that were found littering the ground and their death a mystery. What are your thoughts on why this happened. Is it natural or something more. I am waiting for someone to claim HAARP.

I guess I need to update our local weather. Not much change here. The light snow today will be just that. Some will get a coating maybe an inch. Some places will see little or even none as the clipper passes to our north. I think our best shot for some snow (only an inch or 2) comes when the cold front associated with the clippers passes later this afternoon and evening.

The next clipper will also bring a couple of inches of nuisance snow. (What is nuisance snow? I classify it as an inch to maybe four inches. Something that can cause slick spots but not enough to warrant an advisory.) Then behind that system as a new storm takes over along the east coast into New England, colder air will arrive. Highs will be in the mid 20s as lows are in the teens and some lake effect or even lake enhancement is possible in the wake. It should be too much but we will have to wait and see how it plays out.


  1. I'm glad that people (professionals) are now speaking openly about weather modification. It's strange to me that something that has been going on for so long has been kept quiet enough to warrant people who speak of such things being labeled as conspiracy theorists. Who knows about the birds...but cloud seeding and the weather modding that is going on is enough to have me a bit scared about the ramifications. Obviously any tampering with the weather can have a global impact...just one more issue we're going to have to tackle as the world gets smaller.

  2. All I can say what point do we consider something to be too much of a coincidence to actually be a coincidence. Something strange is going on. I don't know if it's created by man, or if it's created by some sort of shift going on within our earth or even our solar system, but I do believe we are on the heals of a major shift of some sort. Perhaps a cosmic shift. The dying birds could be from a lowering of the magnetic field in that area (which is said to occur with greater frequency prior to a polar shift). Remember, birds need the magnetic field to know direction. Without it, they become confused. If you believe in the Mayan prophesies, none of this should be a surprise. Something is happening....

  3. It would be silly to think that the U.S hasn't messed around with controlling the weather in one shape or form outside of the Rocky mountain ski areas. It makes me wonder if they're able to stear storms as well. If they are, that would explain some "curious" storm tracks over the last few years.

  4. What's that apocolypse movie where the opening scene is all those birds that get disoriented and confused from the magnetic field shift and start flying into buildings and dying? That's almost exactly what happened in this case.

  5. Well what do ya know, it's been snowing ALL DAY to our west. Snow is on the ground in Batavia and it only gets deeper the farther west you go. The snow keeps looking like it is coming at us on the radar animation and then just fizzles. And here we are, one of the few spots that still has green grass. Told ya it would happen.

  6. That's because it's mostly lake effect off Erie at this point, Ricky. Radar shows a good cluster of more synoptic snow over western Ontario Canada traveling west. That will be our fate later this evening and into tonight.

  7. ***traveling "east" NOT west. Sorry.

  8. I got snow on the ground here in LeRoy.

  9. How about next weeks storm. Wednesday-Thursday. Looks like a big one, but again to far East right now. Dan

  10. Ricky - Did you read my answer to your question on the previous post?

    DK - actually not cold enough to be lake effect. Some I think had to do with some down sloping winds with the south-southwesterly flow. I did give an answer on why the radar shows snow west but we see little here on the previous post.

  11. I didn't see it, i'll go read it now. Thanks!

  12. Just read it. I think today has been a good example to site. The snow just doesn't want to make it past the Niagara Frontier counties. I know the radar is more sensitive there, but the surface observations show decent snow too, so it's real. So today is an example of mostly synoptic snow fizzing before Rochester (for the most part). I can only figure you're right about the Genesee Valley drying things out. It's just wierd. It seems this happens with the weaker systems, not so much the moderate or strong ones. Anyway, you have to admit that, at least so far today, what I said about the fizzling before Rochester has indeed happened. I wonder if there has been any studies about this? Perhaps this phenomenon (if it is one) would be a good candidate for further study, if it hasn't been already.

  13. Just for further evidence...if you click on this website, and check off "cameras" and then click on virtually any traffic camera from Batavia to the west, you'll see a healthy covering of snow, with snow continuing to fall. It's snowed there all day long and just can't make it here.

  14. HAHA, it would help if I gave you the link to the website, huh....

  15. Now that winds are shifting to a more Westerly direction, look for some of that light snow to make it into Monroe county for awhile this evening. T-1" if that.


  16. I dont want to say anything but the heavier snow keeps moving to NNE...

  17. Snow is sticking quite nicely now on the east side of the city. Started as graupel-like stuff and is now just a gentle fluffy snowfall.

  18. Pretty scary we are getting excited over an inch of snow. LOL

  19. I agree with you "Anonymous", we get a trace to an inch and we get fired up! This will probably be my last winter in WNY before we return to TN. They seem to get more snow the past few years then we do up here. I was here last winter too and it was about as boring as this. Although, I did plow a few times last year by this time and this year, not once. I really hope for a major storm before winter is over!

  20. Hey at least Scott said on his broadcast tonight we will be living on the edge of the weekend storm. It will not be a big storm for us but he said some spots could get several inches better than nothing. This is a little tease for the bigger one that will hit us next weekend.

  21. Eastern Rochester gets some snow this weekend?

  22. Henry, I am still hanging there with ya for "The Big One"!! I am primed and ready for some BIG SNOW!!! It has stopped here in Sparta. I light coating is all we saw as predicted. I missed the 10 o'clock weather on fox for the weekend weather update so i will catch it on 8 at 11!

  23. Things still not looking good for Rochester for big synoptic snow this weekend or the next storm or the next. I know people are hoping but not looking good maybe we will at least get some strong artic air and get our temperatures low low and we will feel better about our winter. Sorry Chris and Henry W.I know you guys are hoping and really want a big storm

  24. Hey Henry, look liked the o6oz gfs has the storm parked just east of Albany. I know its far out still but im liking the trends of the coastal hugger going up the hudson...


  26. We will have to wait and see about the storm next week. The models will vary many times. I still feel that we are going to get some GOOD snow from the storm next week. David I am assuming that was the storm you were talking about in your post?

  27. I just want the Low to park it's big ole 'L' Butt in the right spot for snow, snow and more snow!!! I will do the snow dance but it wont be pretty ya'll ;)

  28. We have been getting pretty good snow up here in Ontario, NY today.

  29. Measured 6" and still snowing here in the east side of Webster. Good to see the snow again.

  30. Enjoy it Eric, the sun is out down here in Sparta! Bernard, I am doing the snow dance and hoping for a good one next week for all of us snow lovers!!

  31. Just got a quick 2 inches more here in Ontario

  32. LOL, I just got more bright sunshine in Sparta!


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