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Saturday, April 4


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Just when we got all excited about the "official" change of season, the lady in the sky decides that NOW she wants to give us shots of winter. Gee, thanks. We appreciate it, really. (Hint of sarcasm.)

As if the windy rain/snowfest we just got out of early this weekend wasn't enough, it looks like another gem of a storm is going to scoot by starting Monday night, and then get wrapped up and stay parked north of our area into the middle of the week. As is seen in the picture above, the jet stream takes a HUGE dive south, so we aren't the only ones in Misery-land. But do expect temps significantly below normal, probably staying in the 30s on Tuesday and Wednesday. But wait, there's more! The wind will also be pretty strong coming over the lake both those days. And of course I can't forget the snow that will fall each day either! It is even possible for minor accumulations by Tuesday if things pan out the way we are expecting.

Can you tell I want it to be warm? I don't need 90 everyday, but at least enough to keep my sunroof open! Sorry for the sarcasm laden post folks... it just felt right.

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