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Thursday, June 17


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Yea, you read the title right. This guy at left, Mr. Frank Fenner, says that homo sapiens will be extinct within 100 years. I'd call him nuts, but the man helped eradicate small pox... which most would consider a fairly credible activity to add to one's resume.

I read an article in the Herald Sun, an Australian newspaper that says he brought it up in a conversation, and that the subject was quickly changed to other "more impressive" things he's done. It's pretty weird.

So why is this in the weather blog? He chalks it up to global warming. He says its become an "irreversible situation." Here's a quote from the article:

"Before this century is over, billions of us will die, and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable."

Hmm. Food for thought I guess.

If you'd like to read the full article you can find it by clicking here.


  1. I honestly believe that humans are more likely to become extinct within 100 years from a rapid evolution into the next ice age, rather than global warming.

    There are many alarming signals going off on earth, and across the solar system, that lead experts to believe the next ice age is right around the corner.

    This planet of ours has warmed and cooled many times over the last Billions of years. We'll cycle back to cold soon enough.

    But with that said, i'd be curious to know just how global warming will kill off humans. I wonder how hot this man thinks it's going to get that it would kill off the human race. He seems to underestimate our species ability to adapt.

  2. It self-evident that civilization will collapse within this century. Human population, fueled by the one-time fossil fuel bonanza, the end of which is now in sight, far exceeds the long-term carrying capacity of the earth. Global warming is just one of many warning symptoms of our unsustainable lifestyle. So many mutually-reinforcing disasters are happening at the same time - the looming collapse of the fossil fuel supply and other non-renewable resources; over-exploitation of nominally renewable resources - looming water shortages, declining fisheries, etc. etc. Resource wars to control the dwindling supplies have already begun and will only intensify; a process that will only accelerate the collapse. (The US military is already one of the largest consumers and wasters of fossil fuels and other scarce resources). It is impossible to predict the precise sequence of events, i.e. which absolutely critical resource will be exhausted first or whether the climate will become unlivable first or whether there will be all-out nuclear war and whether there will be survivors and how many and exactly what kind of world they will inherit but I cannot discern any plausible mechanism by which anything resembling our present numbers and life style can be maintained much longer.


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