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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Wednesday, December 10


Written By:  Scott Hetsko

Looks like one real final shot of wrap around snow is coming later in the evening and early on Thursday.  Add another 4-7" for many North of I-90 with lighter tallies South.  Looks like storm totals will range from 9-15" in areas that get the additional snow fall overnight.  Roads continue to be very slick.  Hopefully they can get ahead of the snow overnight the morning ride will be better.

Good night!


  1. Heck of a way to run a mild zonal getting half of our December average in one storm. All hail the mighty Positive PNA.

  2. 5 separate thoughtful threads about this event in the last 6 day? From 3 different mets. Way to bring it news 8.

  3. Seems to be picking up with intensity now. Will in still be snowing for morning commute to work tomorrow?

  4. That's what GJ said at 10pm but also said it should taper down late morning and beyond. This as turned out to be a nice size storm for some. I'm certainly not complaining.

  5. KW just tweeted only another 2-4 over night storm moving faster than thought. But been great for a December storm.

  6. Higher returns continue to blossom over the lake. Leaning towards Scott's 4-7 additional with a few more bonus inches in spotty locations during Thursday.

  7. The NWS expects tapering to occur between 2am and 4am. I assume it'll be closer to 4am for us since we'll be the last of those included in the SWS to receive the back edge.

  8. A nice storm for people north of the thruway. Do not under estimate that lake enhancement. A sign of things to come this winter or early fun and done.

  9. Keep an eye on a possible Christmas present that seems to appear on the models. The recent Euro had a bomb and I know it is 10 days out but as was this one and it verified.

  10. I have to say I'm quite impressed with the storm totals out my way. I'm east of the city and we got around 16 inches. I'm not a winter fan but it was definitely an impressive amount.

  11. Anyone know what the official total at the airport?

  12. Good storm, good forecast!
    I think in perinton near the Wayne County line we got around 14-16 (guesstimate).


  13. Great job on the forecast. Thank you.

  14. Just buzzed around on my snow sled. It was fun. I DON'T WANT THIS TO MELT!!!

  15. As many have already said, hats off to News 8 for this forecast. They made the other stations look pretty silly.

  16. We got 2" in Avon as of 8 pm. Then another 2" by 10 pm. It snowed hard, but it was very fine, almost rainy snow. Overnight we got about 4" so we got about 8" total. Typical for Avon.

    Thanks channel 8 for a no hype forecast.

    Gee channel 10, was it really really necessary to hype this thing starting about 2 weeks back?

    Look, channel 10. It is going to snow. It is December
    Quit getting your pants in knots.

  17. I disagree thought all did a good job but channel 10 was ahead about the lake enhancement and was right on for areas north of the thruway. RC had it pegged yesterday with amounts and timing of the heavier stuff.

  18. Hopefully this will quiet those on the blog who consistently say, "once again we missed out on...", until the next "possibility".

  19. 18" in Gananda. 11 yesterday and 7 last night. Awesome storm.

  20. I got another 6 inches or so overnight for a final total of 14. First major storm of the season did not disappoint, and to think it's not even mid December yet.

    As others have alluded to, signs are building towards a colder and potentially more active pattern starting Christmas week. Until that point we will have to contend with a lengthy stretch of boring and somewhat mild weather, one that was originally supposed to begin 10 days ago...

    1. KW is already getting very very excited and driving me nuts.

  21. 18" just off the shore here! News 8 shoulda stuck with their original totals instead of saying NBD and dropping them the other day! They would have been dead on! KW had this right from the get go....cant wait for next one!

  22. I want a storm like this one day:

  23. Can't believe how many people were late to work this morning; not because of the drive in, but more so due to shoveling or snow blowing their driveways. You think if they had listened to the Weather Reports -- getting up early like at 3:30am-4am to shovel, etc. would have been a smart idea. I was and able to make it into work by 6am this morning. Welcome to winter.

    1. Congratulations. Medal or monument?

    2. Just want people to come in and do their job, and realize where their responsibilities and priorities should lie. Not asking for much


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