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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Thursday, January 1


Written By:  Scott Hetsko

Although 2014 ended on a warmer than normal note, 75% of the year was below or well below average.  Above is a look at the extremes of the past year.  Our snowiest day and coldest day both occurred with in six days of each other during the month of March.

Looking into the first 10 days of 2015, we expect MUCH colder air and localized heavy lake effect snow to be an issue next week.  I wouldn't be surprised if next week ends up being the coldest 5-8 day run of the entire Winter season.  I do expect a classic January thaw to occur somewhere in the middle of the month so at least we'll get a break!


  1. I'm holding you accountable if my soul isn't frozen solid by next weekend :P

  2. Let's hope we get some weather over the next 10 days then.. what I need a break from is looking at my brown grass. Lake effect usually doesn't do it for me down here : (

    1. Keep an eye on next week's clipper potential, that's going to be our best chance for widespread synoptic snowfall.

  3. Now that things have calmed down I'm back. I'm looking forward to a wintey pattern next week although I must say as a homeowner it is nice not having to see the huge hearing bills etc. I guess we can't have it both ways. Last year during that coldest day Scott mentioned, a window in my house actually cracked. Now they were original to the house so not well insulated but still!

    1. Sorry I need spell check... Should have said wintry and heating not hearing bills lol

    2. I drive a relatively ancient car, starting that thing up next week is going to be a major pain. Still completely worth the tradeoff.

    3. I used to drive a 1984 Buick LeSabre in college. Carbureted. It was fun trying to start it in the Oswego parking lot! A can of starting fluid helps along with pumping the gas pedal like your playing some arcade game at putt putt. 😄

  4. CCCC just wondering if you saw latest NAM run? I know it is the NAM but does it give us some good front end precipitation?

    1. Looks like it does...too bad none of it is snow -_-

      IDK, after seeing how next week's look is progressing I've partially moved on from this weekend's storm, even if it turns out to be a decent snowfall. We won't have p-type issues at all next week and that clipper still looks pretty sweet by clipper standards.

  5. Any update on what the 12z GFS showed for this weekend and for potential lake snows and cold next week?

    1. This weekend: slop
      Next week: bitter and snowy, beefy clipper still in the picture

      Basically no important changes.


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