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Friday, January 22


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Keep those questions coming! I'll answer any of the ones that haven't been yet tonight and into the weekend.

Just an update on the weekend as well: sunshine rules the roost on Saturday, although a few pesky cirrus clouds will dim the sun a bit especially late in the day. Temps will be reasonable in the mid or upper 30s.

Sunday brings the changes though. You'll notice the wind picking up as well as temperatures running into the mid or upper 40s. However, we do pay the "toll" in the way of steady rain potential late Sunday into Monday. Figures though, everyone is raising toll rates lately!


  1. what causes lake effect snow?????

  2. How can NOAA have made so many changes to the way it measures temperature (one example: down from 1,850 weather stations to 136) and then told us that they were providing apples to apples changes in temperature? What do you think about what's reported at ? I am sad to think American agencies might have been purposely providing questionable data.

  3. To the person who asked about lake effect, let me direct you to some information already posted here on from our Winter Ready Section. You can go here: What is Lake Effect? Also in our Winter Ready Section Scott has a video that visually explains what lake effect is.

    To the anonymous who asked about NOAA and their changes, I am not familiar with this and would have to do more research. So until then I am unable to comment or answer your question.


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