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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Wednesday, March 3


Written By: Scott Hetsko
High pressure has been slowly migrating across the mid west the past few days. Sunshine is in your future as this ridge drifts into Kentucky by this weekend. Because of clearer skies at night, temperatures will begin to fall into the lower and middle 20s starting tonight right through the weekend. Milder air will reach Rochester over the weekend with 40 or better Saturday through Monday.
The snow is melting quickly thanks to a strong early March sun. I'd bet most of the snow will be history by early next week. We just need about 10 more inches to the magical 100" mark for the season!


  1. Wow I just heard on the news that a freak 26-foot wave in the Mediterranean Sea crashed into a massive cruise ship, killing a couple people. And a huge aftershock in Chile has prompted renewed Tsunami warnings.

    sorta related to the poster on Brian's blog this morning, I'm wondering if all of these huge events in the last few months are normal or not? I'm not one to get all hyped up over this 2012 stuff, but its sorta wierd. Is there anything strange going on with earth these days?????

  2. to the person who mentioned the thousands of quakes around yellowstone, did you know that there have been a whole bunch of wierd tremblers happening in Nevada lately too? And BTW, yellowstone is home to one of just a few SUPER volcanoes, and apparently it's due to blow. creepy stuff

  3. Re: the 100", I'm more than willing to forfeit the magic number this year :) I'm ready for Spring!

  4. This is all a precursor to a magnetic reversal / polar shift. Expect earthquakes to increase in frequency, and expect an uptick in volcanic activity very soon...probably by this summer. Then expect severe climatic effects as a result. Earth is growing very unstable as our magnetic field rapidly continues to decrease. And much of this is brought on by LOW activity on the sun, contrary to popular belief.

  5. I'm not buying into any apocalyptic near future. Quakes and spews have happened before, will happen now, and will happen in the future. We will survive and be ok and continue to live our lives as it has been and is meant to be.

    Plan well for the future for we will be here long beyond 2012.

  6. You may be right. I guess the thing that strikes me the most, however, is how accurate the Mayans have been in their predictions and understanding of the Universe. With all of our technology and advancements, we are just now beginning to confirm things about outer space that they already knew and documented thousands of years ago. And the other thing that strikes me is how other religions and cultures also pin point 2012 as an end point. The book of Revalation is just one example. Is it just a bizarre coincidence? Maybe. But it sure seems as though there is something to it. I'm living my life as if the world will continue for infinity, as we all should...but I just keep this possibility in the back of my mind as well.

  7. Scott,
    I take it you're not touching this discussion with a ten foot pole?

  8. Well if we're all doomed, let's take the plunge together and everyone be wiped out all at once. That way, no grief, no sadness, no suffering. Just end it all.....Kaput!

  9. I think it's easy to assume that life will continue as normal because that's all we know. We're not wired to fathom the possibility that this floating ball of rock that we call earth could ever change from the way it is now. But, if anything, the level of stability that we've been living in for so very long is actually the exception more than the rule. The earth is covered in ice FAR longer than it is thawed as it is now (called the interglacial period). We're just lucky enough to be born within it. But we're reaching the very end of the cyclical interglacial period. In fact, we're overdue, as are we for a magnetic reversal...both of which work hand in hand to create the great shift. I guess it comes down to the question of how many coincidences can occur before it is no longer a coincidence.

  10. it might be too risky for the mainstream scientific community to weigh in too heavily on an opinion on this type of topic. It's pretty controversial even if you're not apart of the scientific community. That might explain the silence from Scott tonight.

  11. My silence is more because it's a silly conversation to think the Earth is now suddenly more volatile thus more Earthquakes. The Earth does what it does and we're all along for the ride. As for me, I won't stop paying my bills in 2012

  12. Right on Scott. Can't do a thing about how mother earth behaves. All we can do is role with the punches and take each day at a time.

  13. God is in control of the world and he is the only one that knows the end. We need to live our lives in faith and trust in him, the creator. 2012 is just another date made up by humans as the end time. There have been these predictions before and they have all been wrong. Again, only God knows and his perfect timing.

  14. Scott do you see arctic air returning or are we pretty much done with that this winter? It seems as if the pattern has changed to warmer and less stormy again with possible storms cutting to our West.

  15. I'm with Cindy.
    Scott--how do you see the rest of March playing out??


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