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Thursday, May 20


Written by: Brian Neudorff

Since last weeks all-skate was such a success I decided to do it again this week. Maybe I should do one of these every week, what do you think? If you're new to the all-skate format it's pretty easy to participate. This is your chance to ask any weather or earth-science related question, (I almost put ask any question but that could get dangerous) and we will do our best to answer it. I know there are still some questions out there that haven't been answered yet. Don't worry we are working on it or we like it so much that we will use as a possible blog topic in the future.

I looked back from last Thursday's All-Skate and someone asked if we were going to be out at the Lilac Festival. I forgot to get back to that person. I was not there last weekend but I will be there this weekend on Saturday between 3 and 5 pm. Have fun, be nice and let's hear what you all have to ask.


  1. Just wondering, what is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Rochester? The coldest?

  2. Brian,
    Why does lake erie freeze over in the winter but lake Ontario never does?

  3. Warmest 102°F in 1936.
    Coldest -22°F in 1934.

    Lake Erie Freezes over and not Ontario because of the depth of Lake Erie. Lake Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes so it doesn't take as much cold to freeze Lake Erie or for Lake Erie to lose it's warmth as it does for Lake Ontario


  4. Is it possible to rain when temperatures are WAY below freezing? Like 15 degrees or so?

  5. Is Rochester big enough to create an urban heat island, or does that just happen in really huge cities like L.A or NYC?

  6. I heard before someone talk about precip not making it past the finger lakes because of "shadowing." What does that mean?

  7. It IS possible for rain to fall at 15 degrees but unlikely. If you have a VERY shallow layer of cold air (300-500 ft) and very warm air above that layer then freezing rain can fall with temperatures in the teens. The coldest temperature I personally ever observed freezing rain was at 19 degrees. That was a bad day!

  8. Yikes! Talk about instantaneous freezing on contact. Rain at 19 has gotta really mess things up.

  9. I've been hearing a lot about sunspots on global temperature. Is it true that sunspots can cause global cooling?


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