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Thursday, August 26


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

It's like the deli line at Wegmans, take a number!

If you like following tropical weather, then you're likely cleaning drool off of your keyboard when you look at this image. This is a satellite shot in the tropics, with the west coast of Africa on the right of the screen. To the far left, we have Hurricane Danielle. In her wake, or "on deck" in baseball terms is Tropical Storm "My name is" Earl. And lastly, as Brian Neudorff called it, just off the African coast "proto-Fiona."

But right now, there's little promise for these storms to impact land masses, especially US land. The reason? Well-placed high pressure along the east coast that will deflect at least Danielle. Bermuda could get skimmed by D, but other than that, this will be a storm whose only effects will be pretty satellite pictures.

Earl is expected to go Hurricane in the next day and a half, going over very similar waters as Danielle. But again, recurvature is likely to turn the track northerly over the coming days.

And last but not least, is the not-quite-yet-named tropical disturbance over the Cape Verde Islands. It's packing quite a punch, will likely continue to do so, and should start to show signs of strengthening within the next 48-72 hours.

So far, this hurricane season has been very nice to almost everyone, and if we can avoid anything from coming into the Gulf of Mexico this year, I don't think we'd hear any complaints. But just know that the next 3 -4 weeks are prime mating season for storms, as the ocean is near its peak temperature and more disturbances eject off the African coast.

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