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Monday, September 20


Written by: Brian Neudorff

With all the talk of the tropics the past few days I figured it was time to take a little break and bring the conversation closer to home. Although the calendar still says it's summer (astronomical autumn begins at 11:09 pm EDT Wednesday night) the last two weeks have been anything but summer-like.

The last time we had a temperature in the 80s was back on September 7th with a high of 89. Since then we've only had three days in the 70s (71-Sept. 11, 70-Sept 13, 72-Sept. 18) and the rest of the time in the 60s.

As Autumn prepares to make its arrival official (keep in mind meteorological autumn began at the start of September) we will get our second warmest week since the end of August/beginning of September with highs ranging from the low to mid 70s with a possible 80 on Tuesday and Friday.

It's common this time of year to have frequent up and downs with temperatures. We tend to get more cloud cover which keep temperatures down, as well as longer nights and lower sun angles allowing less and less solar radiation making it to the surface. It's just part of the season.

At least this time of year is a smorgasbord for all the senses. From the sights, sounds and smell that come with fall no wonder this is the favorite season for many people, me included.

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