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Thursday, September 9


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Well there's pretty much no hope for warmer weather Friday. I checked out the 850mb temp forecast and it actually gets COLDER by Friday morning. As you can see, we're comfortably ino that 0-5 degree celsius range, meaning max temperatures somewhere in the low or mid 60s.

As far as the clouds go, they should begin to break apart come late tonight and early Friday. There's one last-ditch effort for a passing shower very early Friday morning, but after that, the chances are eliminated.

By the weekend, warmer air works in, and the sun comes out. The better of the two weekend days is by far Saturday, as a passing cold front sparks off some passing showers Sunday.


  1. I know in the winter the 0C at 850 line usually serves as a guide for what type of precip we will other words, if we're in the 0-5 range in December, we're probably looking at somewhere between 30 - 40F. What makes that 850 temp change so drastically between now and winter? Also, does the temp at 850 equate to the same thing in the Arctic this time of year? When I see there's a good deal of sub zero Celcius temps up there now...and the occasional -10C. what's that equate to up there? because -10 here would probably only be like 45-50 for highs.

  2. Northern Canada (and I mean WAAAAY northern Canada) temperatures at 11:00 AM Thursday:

    Isachsen: 17F
    Eureka: 27F
    Resolute: 27F
    Fox Five: 28F

    The cold air is building, folks.

  3. I always like it when you guys start showing the graphic of temperatures in northern Canada this time of year. You should do it more often...maybe have like a Arctic / Northern Canada temperature update segment each week or something. or maybe you could do it on this blog. It was cool when Scotty sent along that picture of the north pole and told the temperature there. Updates on that would be cool!


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