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Friday, March 18

NCAA Basketball & Weather

Written By: Stacey Pensgen

You might wonder what basketball and weather have in common? The answer is - not much. But, as the next few weeks go on, you might notice basketball on instead of some WROC newscasts. While most of our newscasts stay the same, some will slightly altered depending on the NCAA schedule. But, remember that we are constantly updating the weather section of, as well as our Weather Webcasts, and Facebook forecasts.

So, bear with us during the NCAA tournament, and we promise to keep you updated on the latest weather!


  1. It looks like we are in for some winter weather mid to late next week.

  2. Thanks for that update, Stacey. I got a little freaked out at first when I saw basketball on. I thought channel 8 went off the air to become ESPN or something lol.


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