Written by: Bob Metcalfe
Okay, I read another absurd news story. An editorial in the Washington Post by author Stan Cox is saying that air conditioners are the mother-of-all sins when it comes to contributing to global warming.
He reminisces of old times and says they could return. Here's what he writes:
"In a world without air conditioning, a warmer, more flexible, more relaxed workplace helps make summer a time to slow down again. Three-digit temperatures prompt siestas. Code-orange days mean offices are closed. Shorter summer business hours and month-long closings -- common in pre-air-conditioned America -- return."
Um. Really? When our A/C breaks at the station, people are on the verge of screaming. Our lights in the studio are hot enough WITH the A/C! Siesta my kiester! This ain't Mexico. Shorter hours when staffs at all business across this economically turmoiled country are running at max? Buddy, I hate to be your wake-up call, but are you serious? I can understand this was the way back in the day, but it will NEVER, EVER have a remote chance of happening again.
Sorry for the opinion, but it made me chuckle. The rest of the article has a few okay points that I can't argue (like getting out of the house to socialize on hot nights, which I totally buy), but a few other farces along with it. I urge you to give it a gander by clicking here, even if it is just for laughs (or cries.)
in hot weather i cant live with out A/C i don't like the hot weather so all i do is watch TV i try not to go out in this hot weather!!!!!!!!