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Monday, August 9


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

I couldn't leave you in the dark on this one. Get it? Dark. Candle. Power outages? Oh wait, you haven't heard about that yet.

Well folks, in my quest to provide you with a scientific view of what's going, for every warm headline, there's a cold one. In this case, a VERY cold one. Remember that even though its our summer, its winter in the southern hemisphere. (Wait, you mean to tell me there's other places besides the United States?!)

Argentina is seeing one of the coldest winters EVER on record, and its bringing about massive power outages because of energy use to heat homes.

Here's an excerpt from the Bloomberg article which you can read by clicking here:

"Dow, Siderar and aluminum maker Aluar Aluminio Argentino SAIC are among companies closing plants, cutting output or seeking alternative energy sources after temperatures in parts of Argentina fell below those of Antarctica on July 15. Rising demand is exacerbating a shortage that began six years ago as economic growth accelerated and energy investment fell. The shortage is boosting costs as companies spend more to guarantee supplies."



  1. wow that is so weird!!!!!!!

  2. In Argentina 2010 winter was so hard and cold, also it last long time. Now we are suffering summer at Buenos Aires, i am visiting and i like a lot specially place at the hotel near Puerto Madero where i have a great time.


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