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Sunday, September 5


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Wow! Tuesday will bring a quick and decent warm-up to the area, albeit brief. Now I'm from the school of thought where it takes a big mechanism to change the current weather situation that's already in place. For instance, we have incredibly cool air for this time of the year in place. The ONLY thing that could warm us up well into the 80s in just a day's time would be a well-defined south to southwest wind and a significantly warmer airmass. If you looked at what the models were saying just two days ago, they had us at 90 on Tuesday. No way! As we approach, they back down a few degrees each day taming it to just the mid 80s.

The wind will be decent and the airmass will be warmer on Tuesday, but if you bought into the 90s a few days ago, it was without warrant!

Just goes to show you why computers will never be the sole producers of the weather forecast. They're like small children: finicky, whiny, and constantly needing to be watched.


  1. What are the chances of another streak of 80's and humidity this summer? I can handle an 85 or so for a day...but these streaks of relentless 80's to near 90 are really trying the air conditioner.

  2. I doubt we will see another streak like we did last week. I wouldn't rule out a period where we are in the 80s for three days this month or even October but to have another heat wave (3 days in the 90s) is very unlikely.

    The cool days the past two weekends, and the start of football season has me ready for fall. We will get up to the mid to upper 80s Tuesday but cooler weather will arrive for the second half of the week - Brian

  3. Same Here, Brian. I'm ready for fall. Every season has it's nice points, but nothing beats that distinctive smell of falling leaves and the fresh air. It's also a time when people start getting ready for their "nesting" period of staying indoors with food and family. It's something that folks in warmer climates that don't exerience the wonderful change of season can't appreciate. People may rip on our region, but I wouldn't change where I live for the world.


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