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Monday, June 13

Cool Through Tomorrow

Written by John DiPasquale:

Cool pool of air associated an upper level storm across the Northeast & Southeastern Canada will keep us unseasonably cool & gray at times with a few scattered showers popping up this afternoon & evening. Late tonight into the start of our Tuesday will likely feature a few showers as well thanks to a trough at the surface spinning around the weakening low in the Northeast. After the surface trough moves through early Tuesday, the sky will slowly brighten & should give way to some sun later Tuesday. Temperatures will range from 65 to 70 today, while mid 60s is probably as high as we will go Tuesday.

High pressure will build in late Tuesday & especially tomorrow night into Wednesday, & the cool pocket of air aloft & down at the surface will depart. This will lead to a clearer sky & warmer temperatures for Wednesday & Thursday. Highs with sunshine should have no problem reaching well into the 70s Wednesday & the low 80s Thursday.

A weakening system will likely throw some clouds at us late Thursday, but especially Friday with a few scattered showers/storm possible to end the work week.

The big Father's Day weekend right now appears to be shaping up quite nicely with some sun both Saturday & Dad's Day with temperatures topping out around 80 Saturday & in the low to mid 80s on Father's Day! So yes, the weather is great for the pool or beach now, but it will get much better for these activities come the end of the week & weekend. Remember summer officially begins at 116PM next Tuesday afternoon. Have a great day everyone!


  1. do you expect more showers to develop tonight

  2. Just some light showers overnight and early Tuesday. Scott

  3. Is this summer or fall. It looks and feels like October. Very strange.

  4. I agree. I have a pool and have only had about 3 days when I could use it. Everybody says how terrible warm, muggy days are, but who wants to feel like it's late September all summer long? Part of the joy of summer is having that feeling where if you closed your eyes you could almost convince yourself that you're somewhere tropical. If I wanted highs of 65 degrees with super low humidity i'd live up in the Arctic Circle during the summer.

  5. Good point SummerFan! We will return to more seasonable temperature regime starting tomorrow & as of now it looks like it will last right through the Father's Day weekend with much better pool & beach weather evolving, especially come Sunday! Enjoy!

    John DiPasquale


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