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Tuesday, June 26

If you can't take the heat...

...then it's time to consider some summertime heat tips.

It can get downright dangerous to overwork yourself when temperatures exceed 90 degrees and pair up with stifling levels of summer humidity (like they will this afternoon), so you have to take the proper measures to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. First, you should stay inside in air-conditioning as much as possible. Slow down and keep any strenuous exercise early in the day or very late in the day, when the heat is least oppressive. Drink lots of non-alcoholic, unsweetened beverages, like water. Wear lightweight and light-colored clothing. Also be sure to check on the pets, those with health problems, and the elderly. It is this type of hazardous heat that affects them the most. Stay safe!

Jonathan Myers


  1. I have two questions.
    1. What about us with pools and no A/C? Is there anything we should know about being in a pool in the sun too long, besides putting on plenty of sunscreen?
    2. What are the "3 h's"?

  2. Those are great questions. Prolonged exposure to the sun, even in a pool can be dangerous. Take frequent breaks to stay hydrated. Have fun in the pool does burn calories! As for the three h's...that's easy: HAZY, HOT AND HUMID!!!


  3. Vote for Scott Hetsko:

  4. That's great for people w/ no jobs, or for people w/ inside jobs, but what about people who work outside all day? ie: Construction workers, landscapers, farmers, etc. You get really tan.

  5. If you must be outside in the heat, the best way to go is:

    1)Take as many breaks as possible.

    2)Try not to exert yourself.

    3)Most importantly, drink lots of water.

    Jonathan Myers


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