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Tuesday, July 17

Beautiful Lightning Over Lake Ontario

Sent in by one of our viewers, Brad Maxwell, this is a shot of a thunderstorm moving over Lake Ontario during the evening of July 12th. Besides a really neat shot of the storm silhouetted by the sunset, there is a great picture of cloud-to-ground lightning here. In this case, I would suppose it would be called "cloud-to-lake" lightning. This is just one piece of proof why no one should be out on a boat or swimming in a body of water during a thunderstorm!

Jonathan Myers


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!! I love the contrast between the (beautiful) sunset and the bright lightning!

  2. Wonderful Shot! I also live on the lakeshore and sat by the window and watched those storms for a long time. Really fantastic! WAY better than anything that may have been on TV :)


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