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Tuesday, July 3

A Record Cool Start To July

When we talk records, you usually think of record highs and record lows. On July 1st, though, we established a bit of a different kind of record, called a record high minimum. Sounds complicated, but basically this is just the coolest daytime high seen for the date. On the first, we tied our old record high minimum of 69 from back in 1982, which was a full 11 degrees below normal for the date. The strangest part, though, is that this all comes after a very warm June which averaged about 4 degrees above average! With the help of this cool air, the first couple of days of July averaged 8.5 degrees below average!

Jonathan Myers


  1. Felt good though. These 90 degree days are tough w/ no air conditioning in my car.

  2. Unfortunately, the 90+ days haven't stayed away for long. Looking like an at least 2-day stretch July 9th and 10th.


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