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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Tuesday, February 2


Written By: Scott Hetsko
Another in a long chain of snowstorms will miss Rochester this coming Friday night and Saturday. This one may get a little closer but I doubt far enough North to even increase moisture off of Lake Ontario. Another strong ridge of high pressure will divert this storm into the Delmarva Saturday morning. The Southern Jet has been active but unfortunately for snow lovers the track remains too far South.
This may change next week with a potential storm showing the possibility of tracking Northeast into Eastern New England next Tuesday or Wednesday. Stay here for the freshest informaiton on that one in the coming days!


  1. Scott,
    the storm you were hinting at for early next week does indeed look interesting. I even heard Eliot Abrams point out that the factors coming together look very similar to what happened leading up to the great blizzard of '78. I'm not at all saying that a blizzard is coming, but do you agree that next week looks to be the start of what could be a major pattern shift to more synoptic events around here? I have a feeling that we're going to shift abruptly into an extremely harsh winter pattern starting next week...which would be sooner than many thought. And as you've been saying, we shouldn't rule out the big one just yet. In fact, I'm willing to bet we'll have a COUPLE big ones before the winter is done because a complete realignment of the pattern is about to happen! What are your thoughts?

  2. I hope you are are right because watching the mid-Atlantic see snowstorm after snowstorm is getting VERY OLD. I make the following analogy: It seems as if there is a goalie sitting right over New York diverting all snowstorms to the West, South, East and North. It looks like that storm this weekend is coming right at us and then it is diverted out to sea. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

  3. I may be over stating things, but I really do think that we're going to turn VERY stormy beginning next week. You just wait. Our old friend Mr. Synoptic is going to return in a big big way....sooner than we think.

  4. The GFS has the storm you are referring to next week riding well South of us again and it is weak. Only light snow shows for us.

  5. The GFS is in the very early stages of capturing this feature. Climatologically, this setup has the potential to really bust out into a major storm riding up in our direction. I think you'll see the GFS start to intensify this feature in future runs. And I should also add that the Euro is also picking up on this feature...which is a good sign

  6. Let's leave it to the expert. Scott, what is your opinion on all this?

  7. We'll continue to see a very active Soutern Jetsteam in February and all it takes is one storm to phase with the Northern Jet and the fun would begin. It's all speculation at this point but February and March bring big East Coast BOMBS!

  8. Please don't blame me for being skeptical. I have seen this over and over again this winter...the hope of a big storm, models catching on to something, "just you wait and see next week...!"...blah blah blah..... and the result so far everytime? Storm runs into the Lakes....rain, or Storm misses us...bye bye snow. Sure, things can change, and as Scott says, all it takes is for a phase and one big huge storm....but it may not happen at I'm not going to get excited until Scott posts a snowmap the night before a snowstorm and says that we're getting 18-24 inches across ALL OF ROCHESTER METRO.


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