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Wednesday, February 3


Written by: Brian Neudorff

A weak clipper system brought a coating to maybe an inch across Western New York Tuesday night into Wednesday. For all of the snow lovers on this blog, I know I know this nickle and dime and in the case of last night penny amounts isn't cutting it for you. I feel your pain, I really do. Next to severe summer storms and tornadoes, winter storms and snow is my next favorite kind of weather.

As Scott pointed out yesterday, another storm eludes Rochester, and once again parts of the Mid-Atlantic becomes the big winner. What's kind of humorous is meteorologist I talk to every morning on Twitter from Virginia would rather see these storms stay north and impact us rather than them. I told them we would gladly take them if we could.

Unfortunately that is not the case, and we will experience some quiet weather Thursday and Friday as an area of high pressure builds in from the plains and moves across the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley. Although there are some differences in a few of the models on how far north the clouds and some of the precipitation from the Mid-Atlantic storm reach Friday and Saturday at this point I expect us to see relatively quiet and cool weather for the first weekend in February.


  1. Brian,

    This is getting ridiculous. I mean, come on, how many times more this winter is this going to happen? I know nobody can control this, but we haven't had ONE...NOT ONE Winter Storm Watch or Winter Storm Warning THIS WHOLE WINTER SO FAR. Yes, we've had plenty of LES stuff, but for someone who lives just South of the Thruway, I'm not counting my snow blessings yet.

    As a snowstorm lover, I've never endured this much suffering in a winter...because it's been one tease after the next! If we're warm and least everyone else around us is too!!!

    Please, (God, Mother Nature...whoever)... please end this torture and bring on Spring if this pattern is going to continue ad nauseum.

  2. I think that the pattern will turn soon. The end of Febuary and into March will bring us some active winter weather.


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