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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Friday, February 26


Written By: Scott Hetsko
So I woke up about 4 a.m. this morning from a nightmare! In my dream, the snowstorm NEVER got going so I was freaking out because I knew I would get beat up by...well YOU! So I looked out the window, saw it coming down and went back to grab a few more hours of sleep until my 4 year old busts into the bedroom! I'm really proud of how we handled and predicted this snowfall. We were urging caution throughout while trying to nail down the timing and amounts. We did well although if you want to be technical, more snow from a much weaker version of this storm will fall tonight and this weekend.
A big thank you to you for communicating with us and providing reports from where you are! I can't begin to tell you how important that is for us in nowcasting and letting our television audience know what's going on where we can't always see.


  1. Snow has finally stopped in Dansville, just measured and it is 10 inches in the village. Snow plow has been through 4 times today (side street) and there is a single slush filled path of pavement. .Thanks to all the snow plow people

  2. Scott,
    Where do we stand now, in terms of total snowfall for the season? Are we over 80"?

  3. In Webster (State Rd Area close to County Line) we have 15 snowed heavy ALL DAY! It finally stopped about an hour ago. The town plows have only been able to get into the neighborhood once and when we called they said there is just too much snow for the smaller plows so our neighborhood roads are covered and cars are having a terrible time being able to even try to get through.

  4. In Perinton, we have 18.5" and it finally stopped snowing about 45 minutes ago. The town has been doing great keeping the road fairly clear. So I think Scott, Brian and Bob were right on the money!

  5. Now about 85" officially for the season! Still got a shot at 100" for the season.

  6. Hi Scott well here in ontario the snow has stopped and we have a grand total (not drifted )snow of 22 inches !!!!lots of shoveling ahead yippee !!!

  7. Well, Looks like a touch over a foot here in Sparta (7 miles north of Dansville). I plowed twice today and made some neighbors happy! Now Scottie, Bob, and Brian..when is the next one coming down the pike! To the Dansville poster, I ran down into town a little bit ago and they were still plugging along on the roads. Alot were still slick too! Be safe :)

  8. More heavier snow crossing the ROC metro. Wow, Scott, snow depth is getting really impressive out here!

  9. Snowing good again. Just measured 22" on the ground in Perinton.

  10. Scott,
    There is a gush of moisture about to drop south into northern NY state from Quebec, and moving toward the SW. Is that our next batch of snow to come later tonight or early tomorrow? Or does that have its sights set elsewhere?

  11. Our good ole fashioned snow storm is still going down here in LC. Moderate snow fall right now. By the looks of the radar image, it will stay that way for awhile!

  12. Snow still coming...we are well over 2 feet in Webster now!

  13. We'll see another 1-3" today, 1-3" tonight and 1-3" again possible on Sunday. What the heck, pile it on right?

  14. Just measured 19 inches in Greece, not drifted. It's heavier than it looks, too!

  15. Gananda total after last nights 4 inches.

    22 inches. Wow. The storm overperformed. Yeah!!!!!

  16. The storm isn't overperforming as we've been forecasting additional snow for today, tonight and Sunday. The true storm ended yesterday and this is just residual stuff from the stalled system. Just wanted to be clear on that because your 4 and 5 day totals in many towns will be several inches higher than what we saw Thursday and Friday.

  17. The blog is quiet today! Is everyone out playing in the snow? Still coming down good too!!

  18. Scott,
    Are we at 90" for the season yet? We must be getting VERY close!


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