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Friday, February 26


Written by: Brian Neudorff

UPDATE Snowfall Amounts 9am EST:

Here are some snowfall totals from around the area. If you would like to submit your snowfall total, email us at

Rochester Airport (official obs): 8.9"

Livonia: 7.5"
Greece: 9"
Lyons: 12"
Brighton: 9"
Webster: 8-10"
Gananda: 12"
Perinton: 10.5"

We've all probably heard the old saying in the Summer, "It's not the heat but the humidity." Today we have a new one, "It's not the snow but the wind." meaning winds will remain brisk and gusty for most of the day and with temps in the 20s for most of the morning the snow will remain dry to blow and drift around.

The peak of the storm occured as we expected it too from 2am until about 6am (depending on where you live). From the reports we have seen on this blog and through email amounts have ranged from 6 inche to as high as a foot. I do expect a little more but just from scattered light snow showers. That could put down an inch to upwards of 3 inches in stronger bursts.

I need to tell all of you who have been participating on this blog since the start and to those who may be reading this for the first time, thank you. Keep the reports coming, they are very helpful with the forecast and seeing how we are doing. It is also nice to pass on your reports to other viewers who don't read this site (yet). If you have a cool winter picture of this storm you want to share you can email them to


  1. Rochester has been quite fortunate this winter season and if this is the big end to winter for us, we are indeed lucky.


  2. FYI...I cleared about 16 to 18 inches of snow from my driveway this morning. Some of that depth may have been from drifting but it's safe to say we had a good foot to foot and a half.

    You guys have done a fantastic job both on the air and with this weather blog. Only one in Rochester that I'm aware of. Channel 9 in Syracuse also has one but this one seems to win the weather blog award.
    Sal (in Lyons)

  3. Rochester has been quite unfortunate this winter season and if this is the wimpy end to winter for us, it is indeed sad.

  4. I haven't wandered out yet with with the ole' tape yet but a good guess is close to a foot and a half total down in Southern Livingston. I will let you know when finally measure..(after my coffee of course)..

  5. OK why is everyone putting a fork in winter after one storm and really the first storm of the season.

    Winter is not over and probably not over for some time. As we mentioned earlier this month before this storm. In winters like this March can tend to be stormy.

  6. Is the long range pattern looking good for more storms? I know models change a hundred times, but is there at least a blip on the radar for March.

  7. Brian and Scott,
    Nice job on the forecast and the blog. I've been reading your updates for a few days in eager anticipation for a decent storm. You called it very nicely.

    In my driveway in Fairport I'd estimate comfortably over a foot, maybe near 20" in some areas, and 3 feet at the street from the plows :)

  8. I'm working at the U of R this morning and looking out the window at the students trying to get to classes in the snow. I hope everyone stays warm!

  9. 12 inches here in Penfield. No drifting to speak of. But it is still coming down steadily. We will have to shovel again.

  10. Great posts and pictures being sent to us! The blog is an awesome way to communicate with you. Now me and my 4 year old have to dig out! I'd say about 8-9" at my house, rough estimate.

  11. Thank you for this great blog! It's been fun, and you guys did a great job with the forecast.

  12. I sent an email to report Sodus Point storm total. I measured about 14", more in some spots in the yard, a little less in others. Drifts are up to 30". Strange - the wind was howling like crazy until about midnight, then it dropped off quickly. It kept snowing hard until 5am, but the wind wasn't blowing anywhere near as hard as it was around 10pm.

  13. Snow doesn't seem to be letting up here in Greece.

  14. just measured a solid foot in Greece. Not a drift. You guys called it perfectly!

  15. Yes. They did call it perfectly!! Nice job. Hope they can get a little sleep now.

  16. About a foot on the east side of Rochester. Lots of cars that parked on the sides of streets overnight will be having a lot of work cut out for them to get themselves un-buried.

    BTW, a BIG bust happened in Buffalo, with a general 2-4 inches across that area.

  17. 11:30 and still snowing moderately in Webster. Easily got another 2 or 3 inches already today on top of last night's 8 or 10.

  18. Fairport measuring 14" with drifts of 18" in spots. It is still snowing so these numbers will go up.

    Thank goodness for our great snow plow service!

  19. I'll second the 1 ft here in Greece, we are north of Latta Rd...and it is still coming down...yet the radar is clear. And there is really no wind to speak of either.

  20. Atleast a foot of snow & drifts up to 3 feet here in Bloomfield. The snow hasnt stopped since yesterday so Im sure we will get a few more inches before this is all said and done. Fine with me and Im home nice and warm with my 3 sons and have no plans on leaving until everything is cleaned up.

  21. Still snowing in Lyons. It seems to come in bands, then stops for a while, then starts again. I would update total accumulations in Lyons to a good 16 or 18 inches.
    While all this is going on here, I am told the sun is shining in Syracuse.

    Sal (in Lyons)

  22. Still snowing in Dansville, larger flakes now. Probably 7-8 inches on the ground, small drifts but I am in the village.

  23. Hasn't snowed in Sodus Point since 5am. Sky is cloudy, but bright. Roads are clear and wet. It took two hours to clear the driveway with the snowblower, which normally takes 20 minutes. Used a whole tank of fuel in the process!

  24. When i looked out my window and saw all of the snow.. i now feel like i live in Alaska where my family lives now. WOW!


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