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Tuesday, March 23


Written by: Brian Neudorff

Scott mentioned yesterday that a shot of cold air will drops south out of Canada by the end of the week. The above image is a look at Friday morning and you can see it will be cold around here but the core of this cold air stays north. What this means for our forecast on Thursday night and Friday morning could have a few flurries but the air around us seems mainly dry. We will be chilly on Friday with a high only in the upper 30s.

By now you know just how historic this winter season has been for us with the lack of snow in November and now in March. There could be some wet flakes later tonight into Wednesday morning as this storm system exits and then maybe a flurry or two Thursday Night into Friday but other than that our chance of snow are running out for the month.


  1. speaking of Canadian cold air, I just read an article about how Canada has just experienced one of its warmest and driest years on record. I believe it, considering how intense the blocking was this winter. BUT, what irked me was that the article quoted a meteorologist who blamed Canada's warmth on two things, and two things only....el nino, and a thinning of the Arctic ice due to climate change. Really? It had nothing to do with the historic negative AO that thrust all the cold air south of their country? That was only the most dominant feature of the winter across the entire northern hemisphere. Besides, if thinning Arctic ice meant a record warm winter in Canada, how did the same origin of cold air mean snow in Houston and Florida, thousands of miles closer to the equator. Oh well, I digress.

    Anyway, what I found comical was that the article then went on to describe a number of horrific things that may now happen to Canada as a result of it's warm winter, such an invasion of destructive insects, and destruction of the ecosystem, and even disease and crop failures - all possible this summer because Canada never full "froze" like it usually does each winter. So the logic is this, according to the article...because Canada has been midl

  2. Here's a short clip from "Headline Earth" on an IPCC member, of all people, who believes the beginning of a mini ice age has arrived, and will continue for decades. And he attributes it to cycles.

  3. Hi guys,
    Are there any signs of some real spring weather coming in soon? My lilacs were really budding nicely, but they've effectively stopped growing since this cold weather. We could use a nice early spring after this crummy winter!

  4. Scott,

    How much rain have we gotten since yesterday? It seems to have rained non stop since then.

  5. .49" yesterday and .25" so far today... so about 3/4 of an inch at the airport. So long to the driest March record possibilities.

    I don't see any near-term signs of spring... Cold or average is the best I can find for you right now. Don't worry, those lilacs will be budding no problem by July, I guarantee it! :)

  6. haha, by the way this wacky weather is going, that just might be when they do bud.

    BTW, snow flurries were reported in the Atlanta, GA area yesterday. And 1" of snow fell in Dallas over the weekend.

  7. Good for Dallas, those rebels love snow. They use their highways for slalom runs, looks like great fun. As for here let's keep the NO SNOW going!
    This looks like a historic March (weatherwise) if we can make it another 8 days without snow.


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