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Tuesday, March 9


Written by: Brian Neudorff

Above YouTube Video is of a tornado touching down in Hammon, Okla., March 8, 2010. Looks like severe weather season is getting ready to take off. This after what was an unusually quiet February. It was first reported that no tornadoes had occurred during the month of February. It would have been the first time in the National Weather Service’s database that starts in 1950 that there had been a February without a tornado. There was one late report of a tornado occurring in Taft, California on February 27 that gave February 2010 1 tornado the entire month.


  1. 1) Coldest winter in 30 years, killing off some wildlife and fruit in Florida. 2) Record snows in areas of the deep south from Dallas to the panhandle of Florida. 3) And now a month with record LOW severe weather (tornados).

    And scientists are now telling us that all of this is "consistent with global warming / climate change." Hmmm, but that's not what I read in all of those big scary books in the nature section of Barnes and Noble. And it's certainly not what Al Gore and James Hansen have been warning us up until now. I'm sooo confused!

  2. to the last poster, you can be sarcastic all you want but there are thousands of scientists across the world that agree that the earth is in BIG trouble due to man's pollution. If you want to deny it thats your choice but it holds no water if you dont have REAL evidence to show otherwise. thats the problem with the skeptic's argument. its based on opinion rather than evidence. thats not science. so show me the proof, thats all i have to say

  3. the events u listed are weather, not climate. Maybe you should go back and read those big scary books and youll learn the difference.


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