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Monday, April 26


Written by: Brian Neudorff

The unsettled weather from Sunday continues as we start the new week. We will have a few showers around western NY for Monday morning but as the storm system moves out of the Ohio Valley and through Pennsylvania the showers will begin to diminish through the afternoon.

In the wake of this system the winds will pick up with 10-20 mph winds out of the northwest and west. High temperature on Tuesday will almost be 10 degrees below average at just 50 but we will see a return of the sunshine.

From the middle to the end of the week we will remain dry, and temperatures will slowly warm up. A ridge will build in for Thursday and Friday helping to push temperatures into the 60s even 70s by Friday. There could be some showers going into the weekend but at this point it shouldn't be anything that would cancel to many plans


  1. I know it is difficult to predict the weather, but what are your thoughts on how this summer will be?

    I have been keeping an eye on some data, and it looks like we might be heading toward another cool and damp summer.


  2. Long range forecasts are very tough. We are going to have a Summer forecast for our weather special that airs May 8th, one week from Saturday. It would be hard to repeat the cool we had last June and July. This Summer will be warmer but still putting together that forecast.

  3. Just thought I'd let you know that at 6:45 this morning, there's snow in the air here in Lyons. Temp is 35 degrees.

  4. Snowing in late April? An omen on how the summer will be?

  5. No not an omen, and thanks for all the reports. 2 hours of snow will not set the tone for an entire season. I am going to work on a post today on how our own perception of how the weather should behave isn't always on par with how it actually behaves.

  6. hah, woke up and its snowing! Farrell Rochester!
    News 8 and the weather guys...I've meet Scott several yrs ago at Bill Grays, in Webster. It was cool meeting you, chatting here on the weather blog and experiencing the weather here once again(I been on a long visit here). Moving this week to Portland OR! I lived in San Diego for 12 yrs and loved it, now for the Pacific NW!
    Im looking forwards to a new and exciting world!

    Just wanted to say its been great watching you guys and I will check in on the weather here sometimes on line, cool to view the video too.

    Take care and have a great summer..bring on the Tstorms! Scotts enthusiastic, energetic and sometimes off the wall forecasts ROCK! :)

  7. To Brian, and thanks for answering questions and comments I have posted (sometimes Anon).
    You always have good answers and try to answer everyone. Pat

  8. Thanks Pat and good luck to you... You're always welcomed back on the weather blog to talk weather and even challenge us with weather in the Pacific Northwest. All The Best -Brian

  9. Ok Brian, thanks man! I just might!


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