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Friday, April 9


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

Wow. That's it. This picture is a 24-hour temperature change map from 2pm today. Yes, it was indeed 35 degrees cooler at our airport compared to 24 hours previous. That's just short of amazing to us!

Despite the precipitous drop in temps, we're still quite warm for the month. Strike that, we are RIDICULOUSLY warm for the month. Right now, we are more than 20 degrees above average for April. Yea. This will make March look like a cakewalk!

Temps will level out this week though, with a nice benign pattern taking over by Monday. Even then, we'll still remain above average by at least a handful of degrees.


  1. Interesting special weather statement by the NWS about how we're two to THREE weeks ahead of schedule in terms of the growing season. hope the lilac festivals is OK. It has some mega slowing down to do if it wasn't to be in bloom in mid may.

  2. Scott,
    You mentioned the Steve Carell movie, and it reminded me. When I went through Scranton last weekend, I saw signs saying the home of Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company. I love that show. It must be cool to have your hometown the main setting of a major sitcom.

    Also, I wanted to thank you for suggesting the italian restaurant. You weren't kidding. The food was great. And Scranton has some beautiful landscape surrounding it.

    By the way, are you really a Steve Carell fan? I think he's hillarious. He seems like your kind of silly humor, too.

  3. So happy you liked the restaurant! Scranton is a decent town, good place to grow up.


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