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Monday, June 28


Written by: Brian Neudorff

Although the week is starting off warm and very muggy it appears most of this week will be unseasonably cool with a drier pattern heading into the end of the week and into the weekend. The above graphics is for Wednesday morning, it represents cooler air (in the blue and green shades) that will be with us from Tuesday until Thursday. Highs on Wednesday and Thursday will struggle to to get to the upper 60s. That puts those high temperatures nearly 10 to possibly 15 degrees below the average of 80.

As an upper level storm system swings through on Wednesday, we could see a few instability showers but then we see a nice stretch of dry weather from Thursday all the way into the Fourth of July holiday. For those who are not a big fan of the cooler temperatures, no worries, the temperatures appear to be back into the low to mid 80s by the weekend just in time for all those picnics and outdoor BBQ and fireworks.

1 comment:

  1. Are we finally going to break out of this every day rain pattern? It is getting old. It is almost July.


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