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Friday, November 2

Clouds Slowly Dissipate, Chill Remains...

Written by John DiPasquale:

It was a warmer & wetter than average this past October, but November is definitely beginning much colder average & somewhat unsettled too.   

After some sporadic additional rain & snow shower activity through early Sunday, high pressure, as depicted above, should make its way into the Northeast, & provide us with some developing sunshine to round out the weekend!  That will be nice!  Temperatures, though, will remain chilly in the 40 to 45 degree range roughly right through the weekend, & for that matter into much of next week too!  The sky conditions will definitely change for the better over the weekend & right into the first part of next week, which will be uplifting for sure!  On Election Day, as of now, it looks pretty sunny & chilly with morning lows in the 20s, & highs in the low to mid 40s, but all in all it looks pretty good, & there will likely be no reason weather wise not to get out & exercise your right to vote!

Now come the middle to later part of next week it could get very interesting as a Nor'easter may be spinning up across the Southeast, & traveling up the Eastern Seaboard.  At this time, it appears this storm will miss us to the east, but not by much, plus we would get a shot of limited lake precipitation & wind behind it late next week either way.  Stay tuned for updates over the next several days for the latest.

Have a great day & weekend everyone!   


  1. Way to warm for snow, way to far east. BIG warm up by next weekend with a storm cutting to our West. It looks like November and December will be very mild with very little snow.

  2. What makes you think that November and December will be very mild?


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