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Sunday, January 13

What Goes Up...

Written by: Stacey Pensgen

Wow! Sorry snow lovers, this weekend was far from ideal for you! We set a record both days this weekend, reaching 58 degrees on Saturday, and then degrees on Sunday! But, you know the saying, "what goes up must come down." And in this case, we're talking temperatures. Our January thaw here comes to an end with seasonable temperatures through mid-week, then turning chilly by late-week and into the weekend. But it still looks like we'll get a good arctic blast starting a week from tomorrow (week of January 21st). As of now, we're not looking at any big storms to increase our snowfall for the season, but a little here and then from both clippers and a little lake effect.


  1. Gorgeous day today. Looking forward to winter's return though.

  2. Considering selling my snowmobiles, good idea or will I be disappointed?

  3. Sell them!! Then we will for sure get some snow :D

  4. That would be my luck!


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