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Tuesday, February 26

More Rain & Mix than Snow Most Likely...

Written by John DiPasquale:

Warm air appears to be winning out with this storm, as most reliable data continues to suggest more rain & mix than snow for most.  Therefore above expected snowfall map looks like it does.  Best chance to pick up a more significant wet snowfall would be the high terrain of Wyoming, Livingston & Ontario counties, i.e. Bristol Hills.  If slightly colder air evolves as depicted on the Canadian & NOGAPS occurs then it would turn snowy later tonight into Wednesday, but this scenario does not look likely.  The morning commute for many will likely be wet & possibly a little sloppy & slick, especially on secondary roads from the minimal snow & sleet occurring due to dynamic cooling.

As mentioned in my last blog, the air will grow colder for moving toward & into the weekend with blustery winds, some snow showers & limited lake snows expected through Saturday anyways.  Minor accumulations are expected at this time for the end of the week into the start of the weekend, but that looks to be it.  Highs will range from the mid 20s to low 30s for the weekend, but wind chills will likely be much lower than that thanks to a gusty northerly wind.

Have a good night WNY!


  1. Of course warm air wins out what did everyone expect? Cone on John really reaching with Canandian & NOGAPS to keep hope alive? They are never right are they?

  2. A trace to 3". How pathetic this winter is.

  3. As "The Troll" predicted this winter will be very much like last year it terms of snowfall amounts. We will not even break 70 inches this winter. I beleive our average is around 100 inches a year. The great News 8 team in their winter weather predictions had us at 100 or above this year. It has been right on this winter. Thus, I am going to enjoy the spring as it (The Troll) has been saying.

    1. Troll,
      You really shouldn’t be pretending to be someone else commenting on your self. I thought you said winter was done in January?

  4. The radar for this storm looks very weak anyway. This would not be a big deal if it was cold too. The radar is very split up and does not have a great deal of moisture.

  5. Any updates from Weatherguy about this interesting winter week? How about next week are there any potential BIG winter storms?

  6. Snowy and below average temps through at least next Monday.

  7. I do not understand why there are reports that when the precipitation has hit the Penn/NY border it is currently snow yet we are going to get all rain?

  8. Weatherguy any updates about storm?

  9. Kind of stinks can not understand in February we get rain? Looks like a good deal of precipitaion. Anyone know what we would have received if it was all snow?

  10. Seems like it is either sleet or freezing rain here on the east side near Fairport.

  11. Nasty out coming home from work. A little bit of everything out there. Interesting to see what the overnight brings, but I'm trusting News 8 on this one unless the upper atmosphere gets cold enough from the heavy precip...

  12. Huge snowflakes falling in Macedon.

  13. All snow in Macedon. Temp is 33 and falling. Ground is turning white

  14. After a few hours of sleet, it looks like its has pretty much changed to snow in Henrietta. I feel like we'll wake up with 2 or 3 inches. Could be an inch. But we'll see. Such is life in the ROC.

  15. Huge flakes at a moderate rate at 1030 pm in NE Fairport.


  16. I think they better adjust their forecast.

  17. Yeah it's been all snow up by Highland park. We already have an inch on the ground. I wouldn't be surprised to wake up to something more like 6 inches.

  18. Heavy snow in Macedon. Temp 32 and falling. The NWS has not evn caught on to this even.

  19. The snowflakes in Hilton are UNREAL. 2inches in diameter..... I got my camera and video taped some...

  20. Troll Bag- where is your claim to early spring now? Hasn't looked the part yet and the forecast looks very seasonal and somewhat white...I think in 3 weeks, I will join you in your crusade for spring. At that point, you will claim victory and nominate yourself as a world class weather soothsayer.

    Winter just keeps coming...

  21. it is snowing very hard here in Ontario. We have about an inch in the last hour.

  22. I just do not understand this Troll person. We have at least a good 6 weeks of Winter yet. This year is NOT going to be like last year where Spring was early. Though we will not see any major disruptive storms, I do not see any Spring like weather until at least the first or second week of April. Mark my words! We will reach over 100 inches of snow for the season, and temperatures will be below normal for the majority of March. Spring looks cooler and wetter than normal, and for the summer, I would not plan many outdoor activities. This is how I see the pattern setting up. Sorry!

    1. This is how you see the pattern setting up? What information do you have to back your theory? I am sure you have reviewed all the same sources and data that most educated meteorologist would.

    2. There is a blocking pattern anchored across Greenland and upper Canada forcing cold Artic air southward into the U.S. It looks like this blocking pattern will be sticking around until the end of March. Look at the patterns, not the models.

    3. I like to look at historical and pattern data, not computer models. The models have been all over the place this Winter.

    4. He just tries to get everyone's goat...and is mostly successful.

  23. Coming down heavy and pretty steady in Greece.


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