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Monday, February 18

Windy & Milder Tuesday; Snowy Wednesday

Written by John DiPasquale:

Quiet, chilly start to the new week will be followed by a windy, milder Tuesday which will feature a bit of rain, maybe a touch of freezing rain in a few spots early in the day, mainly east of Rochester, & anything falling from the sky come the late afternoon into the evening will be snow.  A slushy coating to an inch or two of snow will be possible late Tuesday through Tuesday evening with & just behind the cold front.  A little lake snow will fly Tuesday night, but more significant lake snows, a spray, will develop Wednesday, Wednesday night & slowly taper later Thursday.  I believe a burst of snow will occur with a trough, wind shift, on Wednesday, & then there will be a spray of flurries & squalls for the rest of Wednesday with a bit more organization Wednesday night into the start of Thursday.  Data has been consistently suggesting persistent lake snows, which should deposit several inches of fluff in the most persistent snows, likely to include areas around & north of the 90 corridor, & Rochester.   Stay tuned.

The storm slated for the weekend to split MAY end up giving us some accumulating wet snow late Saturday & Saturday night per latest GFS.  It will be interesting to see how the EURO handles this with the next run or two.  Stay tuned...

Have a great day bloggers!!


  1. Will this drudgery ever end?

  2. Does anyone else see what John is talking about in his write up? I do not see either being anything for Rochester.

  3. Like Scott said last night, no big storms in sight for us. Will we get above 60" of snow this year. Probably with nickle and dime snow, but big storms are just not going to happen this year.

  4. Weathermen should be paid on commission..

  5. Ha Ha well ultimately "The Troll" was right. It predicted early spring and 41 outside right now. It said snowfall would be worse than last year and it is pretty dog gone close. Those of you snow mongers who were angry with him might owe an apology. Scott said no big snow storms in sight and the troll was right on with that too. Sorry but give credit where credit is due. It said this winter was going to be very much like last year and that is not far off when you look at snowfall and average temps.

  6. Hey (troll), your bridge just called and needs you back...Says you have been gone longer than you lead on. Also, feels bad for us for putting up with your witless humor and retarded analysis of current and future weather events.

    Long live winter!

  7. Spring was supposed to start 5 weeks ago according to the troll in question.. wrong. We were only to get one storm if any at all. Wrong again.. no credit is due for anyone.

  8. Angry snow monger Anon 11:00 and 11:04. That just shows the Troll has touched a nerve because it has been right all along. Come on Anon please tell us when another fantasy snow storm is coming please please. Oh, you say you can not because winter is over and spring is here. Now you got it Anon please say it with me "Troll was right".

  9. We might not be getting a big snow storm but from what I remember the last few winters is don't we usually get a couple to a few inches every couple of days with a few thaws?

    Yes we might not get a big storm but winter is long from over.



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