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Thursday, August 12


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

In a recent conference call, Al Gore blamed a lack of action on the part of the US government for not passing climate change legislation. Here's a quote:

“I have a difficult task tonight,” Gore said. “I want to call you to action but I have to begin by telling you what you know, in all candor – the United States government in its entirety, largely because of the opposition in the United States Senate to taking action on clean energy and a solution to the climate crisis, has failed us.”

“In the last few months and weeks, the United States Senate has failed to meet the challenge of the climate crisis,” Gore said. “The Senate announced just last month that they would not take up comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation bringing to a temporary disappointing and frustrating halt a fight that we have been waging for the past year and a half and really longer – comprehensive legislation is now likely not to be debated when the Senate returns from the August recess.”

What do you think? Will the legislation have a chance to pass in this session of the Senate? Do you want to see climate change legislation pass or to never see the light of day? Weigh in!


  1. i think they should pass the climate change legislation!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think that it's impossible to get any straight-forward, beneficial legislation passed unless it is dilluted down to the bare-minimum, and includes a bunch of random, special-interest projects.. Unfortunately.


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