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Sunday, February 27


Written by: Stacey Pensgen

Welcome to the transition between Winter and Spring! The combination of mild temperatures on Monday, plus snow melt from our last decent snow storm, plus steady (and periods of heavy) rain arriving will create the potential for isolated flooding on Monday.

A Flood Watch is in effect for late Sunday night through late Monday night, specifically for creeks, rivers, as well as low lying areas where excess runoff could become an issue.

As the storm sweeps through Monday morning, many areas will pick up a good half inch of rainfall, with up to three quarters of an inch possible for some of us. I wouldn't be shocked if a little convection fired up, causing locally higher rainfall amounts. Drier air will work in late as the cold front passes through, and any snow that lingers will end overnight.


  1. i none of the snow we got rlly melts!

    and i signed up for the texts alerts but did not get a text saying there was a flood watch....weird

  2. i hope none of the snow we got really melts

    Stacey- and i signed up for the texts alerts but did not get a text saying there was a flood watch....weird

    the first post i have a mistake in there whoops!

  3. The snow will be all gone by Tuesday except for the piles. We lost a lot today with the temps in the 40's. I think we have made the transition. Early spring. I am sure it will snow again, but the real cold is gone.

  4. we made a 6 foot snowman today the snow was great packing snow! my kids love it!

  5. I drove past a 6 ft snowman on 5 and 20 in Avon today. If it is going to melt I hope all of it melts before a refreeze. If it doesn't I will have 3 acre skating rink that used to be a yard.

  6. Very quiet right now. Think the early spring has and will arrive. DK what is your take do you see any storms on the horizon or was last Friday the final hooray?

  7. For Scott and DK am I reading the 12zGFS correctly? It looks like later in the week we could get several inches of snow (4-6)? Also Sunday-Monday time frame a storm (not sure snow or rain)? Just wondering what you guys see? Thanks

  8. Some modest lake effect late Wed night and early Thursday with 850mb temps near -20. Other than that, not much in the snow world this week. Saturday night's storm will be rain for the most part followed by colder air and snow showers.

    Scott Hetsko

  9. I suspect there will be lots of wobbles and general disarray within and between forecast models for early next week. Making an early call on what happens then would likely not end up very accurate. But there does seem to be a trend toward chillier weather as we head toward the 2nd week of March. NCEP ensembles have been showing this. Indices also show a trend from positive back toward neutral for the AO and NAO, as well as a trend from negative toward neatral for the PNA. That trend can't hurt our chances for another bout of cold and snow. Best chance for one last snowstorm looks to be sometime in the 10-day period between March 7th and March 17th in my opinion. We shall see.


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