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Thursday, April 21

Spring Still Missing!

Written by John DiPasquale:

Windy & chilly today; brisk & chilly tomorrow, but at least we will have some sun both today & tomorrow to make it look better.

Come the Easter weekend, though, we will have some milder air blowing in following some showers & storms late Friday night into the start of our Saturday. I do expect temperatures to shoot up well into the 60s with some breaks of sun developing later Saturday. A cold front will then pass through Saturday night & behind it we will wake up to the 30s & low 40s Easter Sunday morning. At this point Easter Sunday looks to be mainly, if not totally dry, with filtered sun & a slight risk for a shower or two later in the day south of the Thruway.

Big warm up for next Tuesday & Wednesday!? Stay tuned.


  1. Snow in the air in Lyons.

  2. NWS says it's going to warm up but they have showers and thunderstorms in the forecast everyday from Sat. thru next Thurs.

  3. No spring, no summer this year. Going to be wet, cold and miserable--and then you have winter to look forward to.

  4. This cloudy and evry other day rain is geting old. We need some sun for several days. These are the times I wish I lived in a much drier climate. This is depressing.

  5. I know this spring overall has been a real drag compared to last spring when temperatures were so warm & we were much drier. The good news about this weekend is that we will warm it up, especially tomorrow. We will also have some dry time this weekend, which will make it a decent weekend all in all. Next week will warm up for a few days, but you are right Anonymous, there will likely be at least a few scattered showers & storms around, but there should also be breaks of sun out at times. The overall pattern does not look too good with regards to a prolonged warm, dry stretch right now, but atmosphere set up can & eventually will change. The BIG question is when?

    Here's an interesting thought. A viewer actually called & asked about this a couple days ago. Remember the big Iceland volcano eruption about a year ago? I would not be surprised if the stormier, colder pattern that we've been in for awhile now isn't related to that. Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in June of 1991, & the summer of 92 was basically non-existent here in the northeast. I think we had one or two weeks of summery weather that year at the end of the summer. Also, the two or three winters that followed were also quite intense, & included the Super Storm of 1993. It really makes you think...???

    Have a great day & holiday weekend everyone!



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