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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Thursday, May 26


Written By: Scott Hetsko

A cold front crossing the area overnight will become stationary about 30 miles South of Rochester during the day Friday. This will result in one of those weird days in Western New York with how warm you are depending entirely on WHERE you are! Temperatures will be stuck in the 50s most of Friday in the city. Meanwhile, it will get well into the 60s and low 70s from Geneva and areas South. This front will work back North as a warm front again on Saturday. The entire area will enjoy a major warm up over the weekend with just some storms both Saturday and Sunday. Memorial Day still looks good with sunshine and toasty temperatures!


  1. Why is it that areas north of about routes 5&20 always get stuck on the north side of these stationary fronts? I see it happen every spring. Is there something climatological about why that happens or is it just a coincidence?

  2. Hi SummerFan,

    Yes, it's called the chillier waters of Lake Ontario almost help to cause these fronts to sag south a bit. I believe this is why this tends to happen, especially when the frontal system is weak in nature. Hang in there we will have a nice warming trend after today!

    Have a great day & holiday weekend SummerFan!

    John DiPasquale


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