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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Tuesday, May 24


Written By: Scott Hetsko

Wednesday will be beautiful as a small area of high pressure will ridge South from Eastern Canada. The result with be low humidity, a fresh breeze and a bunch of sunshine. Warmer air will surge into the area Thursday morning with temperatures rocketing into the lower 80s with scattered showers and thunder.

Friday through Sunday, a quasi stationary front will sit in the area. As a result, each day with feature showers and a few soaking thunderstorms. It will be on the muggy side with afternoon temperatures near 80 degrees. The good news is that Memorial Day itself looks to be pretty good with sunshine and seasonable air.


  1. Scott,
    So is it fair to say that after tomorrow, Rochester will be on the warm side of that quasi stationary front? I ask because it seems like we've ended up on the north/west/cold side of these fronts a lot this spring...

    Also, based on those temps and humidity, will it feel almost like mid summer out there with the heat and mugginess?

  2. Yes and as a matter of fact, we could hit the low or middle 80s on Thursday as the warm front lifts North of the area. We'll remain primarily on the warm side of that front through Saturday. As a result, I expect us to get some really juicy showers and storms with flash flooding a threat.

  3. Boy the last thing we need is more heavy rain. The local farmers are rally getting concerned about not being able to get their crops in. The fields just remain too wet. The day or two of dry weather we have between the days of heavy rains just isn't enough to dry things up enough to plant. We will soon be approaching the very latest date to plant in hopes of yielding a harvest in the fall. If you think food prices are high now, just wait. It could be very disastrous if this weather doesn't turn around very soon.

  4. Yikes. With all this excess ground moisture, we need juicy thunderstorms like we need a blizzard right now. I hope our area farmers are doing okay. I haven't heard any follow up stories on how they're doing in several weeks. God knows the rain hansn't let up since then. At least with the higher air temperatures, the evaporation rates will increase, not that that matters when you get those gully washers that dump 1" of rain in 30 minutes.

  5. You and I are on the same page, Sal.

    The best thing we can do for the farmers as summer progresses is to buy local. Go to the local Farmer's Markets. Rochester has a great one, and I know many other local communities have them, as well. I'd like to see our local news channels start showing when and where local farmers markets will be, sort of like a "community calender" kind of thing that they do for local events.

  6. I asked this before, but does anybody notice hearing a deep roar of what sounds like a fighter jet (like an F-14 or F-15) flying over Rochester every single night around 11:30 PM? It is most certainly NOT a commercial jet. This is very deep roar, very classic of a military fighter jet. I just heard it moments ago, right on schedule. Can anyone explain this? Or has anyone heard it? If not, listen carefully between 11:15 PM and about 11:45 PM each night. You're sure to hear it.


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