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Wednesday, May 4

A Little Better Today, but Much Better Tomorrow

Written by John DiPasquale:

Definitely better day, but far from good, as temperatures will remain mainly in the 40s to around 50 through the rest of today with a few pop up spotty showers/sprinkles.

High pressure will provide us with much better weather moving forward into tomorrow as some sun will develop with temperatures climbing well into the 50s. That will still be a bit cool for this time of year, but at least it's much closer to seasonal averages compared to where we've been the last couple of days.

The mom's day weekend right now does not appear to be shaping up too badly. There will be a pop up shower or two possible Saturday & a bit better of a chance of a few showers on Mother's Day, but mom's day will not be a washout by any means.


  1. Clouds may be a bit slow to erode especially East of Rochester tomorrow morning. It's going to be a fine day by afternoon, finally!

    Scott Hetsko

  2. Chris, Sodus PointMay 4, 2011 at 8:58 PM

    I do not recall a more rainy, dreary and cool stretch of weather as the last three weeks in years....though I do recall many spring seasons with similar weather in years past. Seems as though the last several years have featured better the average weather.

  3. Chris, Sodus PointMay 4, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    "better than average weather" I should have typed.


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