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Saturday, May 28

Much Needed Break Coming!

Written by: Stacey Pensgen

You don't need me to tell you that we've had a wet Spring. But Friday's record rainfall for the day (0.96") has brought our rain total up to 13" since March 1st. This makes it the second wettest Spring in the history of record keeping in Rochester. And we still have a few more days in May to go! The all-time record is 15.25" set back in 1873. Our normal Spring rainfall just over 8".

The good news is that Mother Nature is going to give us a little break late next week. High pressure moves in behind a cold front on Wednesday an parks itself over us starting on Thursday. It looks like we'll see nearly no chance of rain through at least Saturday. In fact, in appears our weather will be near perfect, if there is such a thing. We should see lower humidity, temperatures in the low 70s, and lots of sun!

So, make it through Sunday and we'll start to turn our swamps back into yards!


  1. Man it's hot! Can hardly wait for winter.

  2. Bite your tongue Caledonia!

  3. Ok... It wasn't funny at the start of our first mini heat wave. It's amazing how quickly the temperature dropped back after the cloud cover filled in.


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