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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Monday, August 29

I R A I N .....

Written By: Scott Hetsko

Hurricane Irene's legacy will be the huge amount of rain and flooding from New Jersey up the Hudson to New England on Sunday. Irene was moving under 15-20 mph for a while before making it's second landfall in New Jersey. Had the storm moved 30 mph, rainfall would have been much 50% less!

Flood warnings continue for many counties in Eastern New York, Vermont and Massachusetts today. So don't tell anyone who lost their home or business in these areas that Irene was over hyped. I'm pretty sure they'd have something to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,
    How bad do you think flooding would have been if Irene had come up toward Rochester instead of the track it followed?


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