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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Wednesday, August 1

Fascinating facts about your sun!

Believe it or not, the Sun is just a common star like the ones you see on a clear night. The difference is that our sun is relatively close, 93 million miles, compared to other ones in the universe. Compared to these other stars, the Sun is actually quite average. Many of the stars that appear so small in the night sky are actually much bigger than our Sun. Others, however, are quite tiny in comparison. But for us on Earth, the Sun is just right. Although it's looks small in our sky, the sun is massive! If the Sun were the size of a basketball, the Earth would only be the size of the head of a pin!


  1. That's crazy to think about! How many more years of service will the sun put in before it retires? What's the average age of "retirement" for stars these days? I imagine it's based on how successful they are!

  2. Well based on success, this star should last forever! Sadly for us, it won't. The Sun is about 4.5 billion years old and should be able to sustain life on Earth for a couple more billion years. Eventually the sun will expand and completely destroy life on Earth. 10 billion years from now, the Sun will become a white dwarf star much small than the Earth. It will stay that way forever.

    Scott Hetsko

  3. That is just simply amazing


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