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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Thursday, December 13

Leftover lake snow and winds remain

Written By: Scott Hetsko

Steady snow is about over for most areas tonight. Lake snow falls in bands North overnight, 2-5" localized snowfall. Winds are gusting to 30 at times causing some blowing of snow. Here's some snowfall ranges across the area since late Saturday night:

Southern Tier: 1-3"

Finger Lakes: 3-6"

North of Routes 5&20: 6-14"


  1. The NAM now has 20-25 inches of snow for us this could double the snow totals for the year so far we could be near 50 inches so far almost half of our average for a year.

  2. 20" is certainly possible. No matter what, it'll be the most snow in one day since Valentines'Day

    Scott Hetsko

  3. YEAH BABY !!!! let it snow , let it snow , let it snow !!!

  4. probably will end up with 2-3 inches....milk, bread and snow shovels for nothing.

  5. PLEASE... if travel conditions deteriorate avoid any unnecessary travel. If you must travel, give yourself plenty of extra time, keep your speeds down, and leave plenty of extra time and distance for braking.

    Also, please keep your cell phone charged in case of an emergency, and be sure to have a few extra supplies in your vehicle such as a blanket, a shovel, high energy protein snacks, and water just in case you do get stranded. Also, as you are traveling please be very aware of your surroundings. Should you be involved in an accident or break down, it is extremely important that you are able to tell the 911 telecommunicator your correct location so they can get help to you as quickly as possible.

    Another thing... If you are traveling in this weather PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be alert to emergency vehicles and yield the right of way as quickly as you can safely do so. If you encounter a private vehicle with flashing green or blue lights, that means it is a volunteer ambulance responder or firefighter who is responding to an emergency. Blue and green lights are Courtesy Lights and under NYS Motor Vehicle Law the operators must abide by all NYS Motor Vehicle laws. Drivers can not run stop signs or proceed through a red stop light. That said, even the few seconds that they may save when you pull over and yield the right of way could make the difference between life and death. These folks are volunteering to save someone else's life and/or property so please be courteous and let them pass safely.

  6. National weather service mentioned in there Winter Storm Warning 18-30 inches is that possible?

  7. Less snow will fall in the Southern Tier due to sleet mixing in as well as no lake enhancement in that area. It looks like Monroe and Wayne County will be the winners for the highest snowfall numbers (16-24") when it's all over Monday afternoon.

    Scott Hetsko

  8. I have heard three different forecasts this morning 16-24, 10-15, and 2 feet plus.

  9. There will be a lot of different snow totals, it's always the case with such a complex storm. I've listed by region what we expect from this storm. Due to lake enhancement, it appears that Monroe and Wayne counties should receive the most snow from this storm in Western New York. Sleet will hold down the numbers quite a bit in the S. Tier.

    Scott Hetsko

  10. I have only one problem with your "This will NOT be an official blizzard but definitely a substantial snowstorm! Enjoy and be safe!" Statement

    a blizzard by definition is

    "Blizzard Warning - Issued for winter storm with sustained or frequent winds of 35 mph or higher with considerable falling and/or blowing snow that frequently reduces visibility to 1/4 of a mile or less."

    doesn't this storm fit that although we will only have winds between 25-30 gusts will be in the range of 35-40 making this a blizzard by definition

  11. You forgot the most important part of the defintion! Conditions must persist for 3 continuous hours for a storm to be a blizzard! Blizzard is used TOO often to describe winter storms. I'm not making light of what's coming but I'm also not scaring anyone either!

    Scott Hetsko

  12. Scotty,

    You'rd doing a heck of a job!

    GW Bush

  13. I'm been watching the NWS radar loop all day. In the last 4 hours the storm looks like it has begun to fall apart (snow wise). Is this true? Or will it pick up strength again?

  14. I doubt it will really fall apart

    and is that really president Bush

  15. The snow is arriving and falling as planned. Snow will fall steadily, and heavily at times, overnight putting down 4"-9" of snow by morning. The initial snow band may fall apart a bit late tonight and early Sunday, only to be replaced by a second punch of snow during the day on Sunday and Sunday night. The second portion of the storm will be caused by a developing Nor'Easter ganging up with moisture from Lake Ontario. Additional snowfall Sunday and Sunday night will range from about 10" to 15".

    Jonathan Myers

  16. We have very light flakes coming down right now, I can't wait to go sledding with the kids tomorrow!!

    Maybe Bush will stop by and help me shovel?!?

  17. Bad driving conditions out there tonight. The thruway between Syracuse and Rochester is moving around 35 to 40 MPH. The plows can't keep up with the snow off the Thruway. Rt. 31 and Rt. 350 in Wayne County are extremely dangerous. Take it slow!

  18. North Rose,Wayne County here....We have been getting ice rain for about 2 hours here.
    As long as the power stays on, we should be OK, but, people, please stay off the roads!! The visibility is terrible, and with the ice, it is dangerous.
    Hunker down if possible, & if not, be aware that conditions are truly terrible out there!!

  19. what is with this dry slot was this the break apart you expected.

  20. We have about 3inches in Penfield, with freezing rain falling right now...
    The plows are out and working hard! Good job guys!!

  21. Low pressure is maturing to our West which is why the dry slot has worked in this morning. As the afternoon progresses, snow will fill back in.

  22. Gotta give props to Scotty and the gang for their “no panic” approach to this storm.
    Also have to give props to Rnews, they seemed to me to be the first to talk about the Texas low being too strong and the coastal low forming too slowly. They called for a milder storm all along.
    Channel 10 was still using the b-word last night at 11:00. Low props for them.
    Well, we still have a full day of this to see what comes next.

  23. Can someone please explain to me why we are getting freezing rain when it is 18 degrees out. I understand about the different temps in the atmosphere, but when precip hits 18 degrees, wouldn't it fall as snow?

  24. no not if there is not enough of a cold layer at the surface. it could be near 40 only 300 yards from the ground meaning fzrn

  25. Had about 5 inches in Walworth. I just finished clearing the snow from the driveway for the first time today. The sleet was intense as it bounced off the cars and me. Not much traffic...streets are ok but snow covered...

  26. Thanks everyone for contributing to the StormWatch 8 Weather Blog. As you venture out today please keep us posted on the conditions in your area. This blog depends on reports and stories from our viewers and users. This includes people from outside the area. How are conditions in other parts of the Northeast?

    Also send us you pictures so we can share them with the viewers of Western New York. e-mail us at

    You can also post video clips on-line by going to this page:

    Thanks for the help and stay safe outside.

    Jerry Walsh
    News Director
    News 8 Now/FOX Rochester

  27. The snow on the hard surfaces by noon was 5", On the grass 8".
    We had sleet and freezing rain but about 30 minutes ago plus we are in with snow though light is continuous. Town of Sodus Highway are out along with State DOT. I didn't see County
    but sure they are working also. I will send in another report later today.

    Your weather spotter, John Catlin

  28. Just wanted to let you know, between 7 30 last night and 10 am today I got 9 inches of snow on my deck with 1/4 of the top covered with sleet, trying to be helpful :)

    Karen Jackman

  29. Hey everyone... I'm out in Cleveland today covering the Buffalo Bills game you would not believe the snow here. I have been covering NFL football for 20 years now and I have never seen it snow like this. Today's conditions are worse than the Dolphins/Patriots snow plow game. Weather reports out here say that 8-10 inches of snow are expected to fall with 40-50 mph winds, making playing conditions almost impossible. Stay tunes to News 8 Now/Fox Rochester throughout the evening where i will be reporting from Cleveland.

    -John Kucko

  30. So far reports range between 4-10" of snow since last night. Keep em' coming!

    Scott Hetsko

  31. Talk about the storm that wasn't! And I was soooo looking forward to a good blizzard. Not snowing here, no precip of any kind at the moment. Scott - you were right on. Darn.

  32. Current Conditions in Ovid NY
    Temp 31
    Light Snow
    Light wind gusts, no constant winds

    Snow fall overnight amounted to about 3" with sleet starting around 2am. and lasting until 11:30am

    It's difficult to measure actual accumulation b/c the sleet and temps have melted some of the snow.

  33. This afternoon, we are getting snow--the great big flakes that you can see without walking to the window.
    It's blowing pretty good, too.
    But the ice rain seems to have stopped at least for now.

  34. The storm is impacting the PA area with more ice than up here. A couple of television towers have collapsed.


    WNEP-TV is currently off the air.

    A WNEP tower collapsed just before 7 a.m. due to icing and strong wind conditions. WNEP is in the process of restoring the signal to all cable systems and satellite services via our digital signal.

    WNEP-TV is currently on air on Comcast and Echostar. We are working on DirecTV.

    WNEP-TV has two towers on the mountain, one is analog and the other is digital. The analog tower was the one that collapsed. The digital signal is currently off the air as well, but crews are working to get that back on the air as soon as possible.

    We apologize for the inconvenience. will continue to have updated information as it becomes available.

  35. Karen Jackman, where are you located with that 9" report?

    Scott Hetsko

  36. Talk about the storm that never happened, in Dansville maybe about an inch of snow whoopi! They just can't seem to get it right!

  37. I just got done shoveling a 6 foot snow drift

    where is all that snow that is supposed to fill in

  38. Had about 4" in the driveway after the freezing rain was over. Additional 2" as of a few moments ago... and counting!

    What is the best way to get a good read?

    It's coming down heavy in Cleveland @ the Bills game!
    Go Bills!!

  39. The best way to measure is to try find and area that isn't subjected to much wind. Use a piece of wood in a protected area and measure by the hour or so. Multiple measurements and taking an average is usually the best way.

    Scott Hetsko

  40. I have a snowboard (term used for a piece of wood to measure snow with) and it is in the middle of my yard. I got 11 inches so far

  41. Very light snow in the city right now (Broad St/W Main St.) Light winds and cold but overall not really that bad.

  42. The low off the coast continues to strengthen and the low over W NY is weakening this will cause winds to increase over the next few hours be on the lookout for very fast increase in winds

  43. Winds are picking up and we are seeing moderate snowfall here in the city. (W Broad st/W Main St)

  44. The National Weather Service has bumped up snow totals to 4-7 inches and also have dropped Wind Chill to -3

  45. Weakening low won't cause strong wind gusts, rapid pressure rising is the reason winds will pick up overnight. Nothing to strong though, peak gust maybe 35 mph or so. Just a few more inches in localized spots overnight.

    Scott H.

  46. when are we going to get a map with snow totals on it I have almost 2 feet over in Ontario

  47. With the storm all said and done, I measured here and downtown Rochester and we received about 12" here!

    Jonathan Myers

  48. According to we have had 35.3 inches of snow this season. This is approaching the december record (almost all of that snow was from December)


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