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Friday, February 5


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

So you think you're so snowledgeable? I did a little digging after I saw a comment about "DC and the mid-Atlantic states are gonna have more snow than us!" Now while it might have been a figurative statement, it gives me something to write about!

So at left are the numbers for the season so far for our fair city, the nation's capital, and the place where cheesesteaks were made famous (I prefer Jim's steaks, I'll argue 'till the death on that!) Anyway, as you can see, it'd be a substantially odd year for any of those areas to bypass us. If we cut off our snow right now, DC would have to surpass their ALL-TIME snow record to pass us, and Philly would have to come darn close. While they both are getting about 20" or more of snow through this weekend, it'd still be a tall tale to tell.

Here are the estimated snow totals down there now through Saturday. I think we're going to see a very widespread area of 20+", but with geography so variable there, the amounts will be all over the place. Think December 19th of 2009, and add a few more inches and that's what they're getting. Either way, this storm once its said and done will have accounted for almost half of the snowfall those areas have seen for the entire year.


  1. If DC gets 20-30 inches of snow they will be at 50-60. We are currently at 62 which 95% has been lake effect. If the pattern continues and all the storms head to our South DC is prime to beat us this year in snowfall. We will most likely continue to see nickle and dime stuff for the rest of the year since I doubt we will see any big synoptic events. I think DC is headed for 80-90 inch snowfall this year. We may not break 80. Just my opinion.

  2. If you take just synoptic snow DC has received 3 times as much snow as we have. By the time this event is done they will have had 5 times the synoptic snow. We have had maybe 10, but I am not sure where that 10 came from.

  3. The next storm looks to break a part and miss us and develop along the coast giving them yet another snowstorm and missing us totally.

  4. Saying DC is going to beat Rochester for the entire season is just not logical. I don't even know what else to say in response to such in irrational statement. It's just not going to happen, so stop lashing out at the meteorologists just because you're bitter about the winter.

  5. Who is lashing out. I am just making a statement. That is why I am saying it is my opinion if you would have read my statment. We will see how logical or not it is when it happens. If you are talking just about synoptic snow, they have us beat by a mile.

  6. I am just waiting to see if we get a big storm this season. It would be nice to see seeing how I have been in the south the past 11 years :)

  7. Hey my fellow snow lovers, I just checked and they seemed to have changed the path of the next storm that is in the making showing that it will intensify as it gets to NY. Lets hope they mean Western, NY!

  8. I was just going to ask that. Any new news on next weeks storm? Will it be too far eat for us Scott and Brain?

  9. Another miss for the next storm for Rochester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I can't take this anymore. I just can't.

  11. Yeah, it is frustrating to say the least. Philadelphia picked up over 26 inches today as well as Baltimore. It takes us a month to get close to that with the nickle and dime stuff that we see. The next storm looks to split and the heaviest snow goes to our West and South and East and the re-devlops off the coast giving Eastern and Southern New York a snowstorm and Western NY in the dust.

  12. Theres a lot of time still.. Things can change. It seems like this year all the models trend more and more to the west as the storm gets closer, so maybe that will happen. Also even if the storm isnt a direct hit, we will get some nice lake enhancement also. Its not going to be like DC, but maybe we will get 12" its a start.....

  13. The snowmobile trails have been open for maybe two weeks all winter? Doesn't matter who gets more snow for the year to me.. if the trails are closed..the winter is a bust.

  14. Wow, a couple of inches of snow by Wednesday. What will we do with it all. Shut down the city.
    It looks like the Mid-Atlantic is in for another storm that we will miss. Like I said yesterday many in the mid-atlantic will end up with more snow than us this year.

  15. I am sick of lake enhancement and lake effect. It is getting very very old.

  16. I said yesterday that DC would end up with more snow than us this season and several disagreed with me. They are now up to 55 inches to our 63. Baltimore has more than us now. The next storm on Wednesday will miss us and wallop the same areas again. By next weekend DC with have had more snow than us this year.

  17. It wont totally miss us, lets see what goes. Read some of the stuff on


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