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Friday, February 5


Written by: Brian Neudorff

February 5th is National Weatherman’s Day which honors, meteorologist and weatherpersons who work hard to try and accurately predict the often fickle weather. Despite major technological advances and supercomputers, forecasting the weather can still be tricky and cause major headaches.

Sometimes the criticism is more challenging than the actual forecast, but you get used to it, you have too. Weather is not an exact science and no matter how much we are right and occasionally wrong there will always be someone who isn’t happy with the forecast.

According to the Air Force News, Weatherman’s Day “commemorates the birth of John Jeffries, one of America’s first weathermen”. Jeffries was born on Feb 5, 1745. He kept weather records from 1774 to 1816.

But Jeffries was more than a weather observer or “weatherman” he was a Boston physician, and you can read some interesting history about the man in the link provided, if you like. Dr. John Jeffries: physician, Loyalist, aeronaut.

All we ask is that you keep the criticism to a minimum today. From my experience most people I encounter are very kind and have good sense of humor so I want to thank you.

When it comes to the weather there are more people than just meteorologist, there are a lot of amateur meteorologist, weather enthusiasts, and weather spotters. These people help us do our job and we would like to thank you and may of you on this blog seem to be on top of your knowledge and we appreciate your involvement and participation here on our weather blog. From myself and the News 8 Weather Team... Thank You...


  1. Scott, Brian and Bob,

    On bahalf of all of us fans, viewers and weather enthusiasts, HAPPY WEATHERMAN'S DAY!

  2. Okay Scotty! I hear there is another storm coming behind the current...any chance we may get a taste of it??


  3. My favorite part of News 8 is watching all of you and your good humor. It's a tough job and you don't over react. When you also started on Fox at 10pm, my husband got really upset and thought you all left. He has died last year and I still agree with him.....You are the best.

    Carlyn and (John of course)


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