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Sunday, February 28


Written by: Bob Metcalfe

I look at this forecast from the most recent data and think to myself thoughts of optimism... for dry weather. The data suggests that this next "storm" coming up the east coast will be even further off-shore than it did 24 hours ago. Any precipitation we get from this storm would be nothing more than flurries or a snow shower brought in by Atlantic moisture. No direct results on our area from this guy other than an increase and wind speed and chillier air for the middle of the week.

But look at the gap in the action in the middle of the country. A pumping ridge there will slide east and arrive by the late week. Unfortunately, the ridge flattens as it moves in, but it should still provide ample sunshine for us by next weekend and allow temperatures to make the first run at 40 degrees that we've seen in over a month.


  1. Bob,
    That's ok if we missed out on this storm. The sunshine today made me take down all my snowman in the house. Now I'm waiting for a forcast that goes something like this: Today: Sunny and High of 45!!! Let the melting begin! Only 19 days till the first day of Spring!! (On the calendar that is). But back to reality....only mother nature knows what March has in store for us here in Rochester! :)


  2. Are you crazey, we need more snow. I have been out snwmobiling only twice this winter. Know that we have all this snow we are not getting any cold tempatures.


  3. I'm predicting snowstorms well into April, possibly early May. Spring....delayed, but not denied.

  4. we could only hope....


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