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Tuesday, March 30

"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're My Only Hope"

Written by: Brian Neudorff:

Locally, there isn't much to write about when it comes to the weather. We all know it's going to get very warm and summer-like by the end of the week and weekend. I also want to thank all of you who asked questions last week as we prepare for our Severe Weather Special in May.

As I was looking for ideas for today's topic I came across a lot of interesting weather stories that I thought I would share with all of you. Feel free to visit the stories and comment on them here. If you have any question please post them as well.

The first story I came across this morning was titled: James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change. James Lovelock 40 years ago developed the Gaia Theory, the idea that the planet is a giant, self-regulating organism. In this interview, Lovelock said, "I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough to handle a complex a situation as climate change," and also said that one of the obstructions to meaningful action is "modern democracy" This story also inspired me to use the Star Wars quote for today's post.

The second story is about all the rain and flooding that is occurring in the Northeast. 2 weeks ago, the same area forecasted to get 5 to 7 inches of rain between now and Wednesday received almost 10 inches. This going to be a record setting March for the Northeast when it comes to rain just like this is going be a record setting March in regards to lack of snow for us.

The other story that I wanted to share I received from another meteorologist on Twitter. Southeastern Florida was dealing with some very nasty weather Monday morning. There were numerous tornado warnings and it appears the same system may have caused a couple of tornadoes in Grand Bahama. You can see pictures of the damage here.


  1. Awesome articles, Brian.


  2. Hmmmm. We should all really stop and think about what this means: Modern democracy stands in the way of handling climate change.

    This is the mindset of some leaders in our government to this day. They do not like democracy. And what's the very first, and logical step to take to create this one world order? Making as many people dependant on the government as possible...

    Scott, Brian and Bob,
    You guys have the education and background to expose the trends that are happening before our eyes, before our country is transformed beyond recognition and repair. The blog is a good start, but I think it's time you guys find a way to unite with other meteorologists to make your voice heard in Washington. The everyday person doesn't have the power, as we would just be dismissed as not knowing anything. But you guys do!


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