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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Monday, April 12


Written By: Scott Hetsko

No wonder the Lilac bushes are popping over at Highland Park! No wonder I got my first sunburn this weekend! No wonder I'm on my second mow at my house! April hasn't started the first 10 days this warm since records have been kept going back to 1884. From April 1-10, Rochester's average temperature (high and low divided by 2) was 57.4 degrees! A whopping 15.8 degrees over the normal to date.

That number will continue to fall as more seasonable and reasonable weather now has returned to the area. I suspect we'll still end up somewhere between 5 and 10 degrees above the normal by the end of the month. Obviously starting the month with 3 days in a row with 80, 86 and 87 has skewed the data a bit. As for the Lilac's early bloom, enough chilly nights ahead will slow their early excitement. We should still see plenty of peak bushes during the upcoming festival in May.


  1. Speaking of Highland park, the lilacs themselves haven't popped out (although the leaves are out), but now is the time to check out the beautiful flowering trees which are in FULL bloom right now. With the trees flowering brilliant colors, and everything else frosted green, it's nearly as beautiful as the peek in May.

  2. Theres also one more benefit to taking your significant others and family to the park's not yet over run by thousands of people at a time lol.

  3. To the previous poster who asked what region this unusually early start to the growing season would compare to: Not quite Maryland. The Rochester area is currently at a level typically seen in Pittsburgh, PA on April 12th.

    By the way, areas such as Maryland, and even further up the coast toward New Jersey, NYC and the warmer valleys of southern PA, are nearing full foliation - a stage virtually unheard of for this early in spring.


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