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Thursday, April 29


Written by: Brian Neudorff

The above graphic is from the NAM 850 mb analysis. Meteorologist typically use this to see where the warmth and cold will be. As you can see from this graphic you have 2 very striking color contrasts. Yellows, oranges and reds in the east with shades of blues and greens in the west.

Off the southeastern shores of the United States a very strong ridge of high pressure will be setting up and helping to spread some very warm air into the southeast, Mid-Atlantic and along the east coast this weekend. Some places in the Carolinas to Washington D.C. and even the Mid-Atlantic could see upper 80s with a few 90s. This weekend you will probably read stories about new record highs being set as this heat spreads north.

Back here in western New York, we will also feel the effects of the warmth. Now we won't see 90, but an 80 can't be ruled out even here in Rochester for Saturday. It could be warmer than that but there will be clouds to take into account and just how much sunshine we will see could determine just how warm things get around here.

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