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with Scott Hetsko, Chief Meteorologist


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Thursday, April 8


Written By: Scott Hetsko
This temperature map was taken at 1:45 this afternoon across Monroe County. Look at the 30 degree difference from Hilton to Henrietta. Here's what was going on. A cool Northeast flow of air was reaching inland about 2-5 miles. At the same time, strong warm air advection ahead of a powerful cold front had temperatures soaring under sunshine in central and Eastern parts of the County.

So when we forecast a high temperature, some days it's truly impossible! Today is one of those days. Because we've warmed so much this afternoon especially Southeast, I expect some pretty good thunder storms to fire up later this afternoon and evening. The greatest risk for frisky storms will be Southeast of Rochester in the Finger Lakes between 5 and 9 p.m. Stay tuned!


  1. Scott,
    What enabled the NE flow to do what it did to begin with? It didn't seem like an ordinary lake breeze setting up. There was tons of fog associated with it long the shore. Brian said it was more like a marine layer, but i've never seen a marine layer able to setup shop right through the middle of the day in the midst of strong, warm advection. Was there just not enough stirring the air at the boundary layer or something?

  2. By the way, i'm not disagreeing with Brian. When he mentioned marine layer, it made perfect sense. The fog associated with it, the fact that it had been well established prior to the typical heating of the day period that a normal lake breeze would setup. It had all the markings of what you see in San Francisco in the summer. Stubborn cool, foggy air at the coast, and then milder and sunny several miles inland. It just seems very unusual.

  3. I drove from Newark to Webster about 4pm today. According to my truck thermometer, it was 83 when I left Newark. By the time I got to Webster, the tempature was 51! In fact, the temp dropped 10 degrees just outside of Newark and by the time I reached Marion, it was 62. Very cool stuff!

  4. Yeah I agree with Brian as we talked about that stubborn layer when we saw each other today. Cool, moist air is VERY dense and thus difficult to move. That little stubborn pocket of thick, cool air along with a light NE breeze kept that layer there an unusually long time. Similar to marine layers that set up on the San Francisco Bay. Really amazing local variations today!

  5. I live a bit north of 390 in Gates. It was 62 at that location at about 3 PM. I rode up to rte 104 in Greece about 3 miles north--it was 55. I had to do a double take at the thermometer as I couldn't believe it. On the way back it was 55 on 104 and as I turned south on Elmgrove the temp rose about 2 degrees for every mile south I went.


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